town calendar

• Farragut Parks & Recreation Department will play host to two family-favorite events plus a new activity for kids in December in Farragut Community Center.

Mario-Kart Tournament is from 6 to 8 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 7. Test your skills on an evening of tournament play. Play will be on Nintendo Switches, and everyone will get the chance to play multiple rounds. Registration is required. Tournament is open to ages 6-12 for $10 per participant. Deadline to register is Wednesday, Dec. 6. Sign up at

• ’Twas the Night with No Parents is from 6 to 9 p.m., Friday, Dec. 15. Children enjoy pizza, games, crafts and a holiday movie. Registration is required and open to ages 6-12 for $10 each. Deadline to register is Wednesday, Dec. 13. Sign up at

New Years at Noon runs from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 30. It’s a New Year’s celebration at noon, at an easier time of day, with dancing, New Year’s Eve snacks and child-friendly bubbly drinks.

Registration is required and open to all ages. Cost is $2 for participants 16 and under; adults are free and required to attend with children. Deadline to register is Wednesday, Dec. 27. Sign up at

For more information, contact Recreation and Event manager Rachel Malone at or by calling 865-218-3375.