
6780 governor praises ‘people of action’ with Farragut Rotary Club

Saying he likes to get to know a given Rotary Club a little better before he comes in to speak, Rotary Club District 6780 Gov. Ron Dansereau told RCF members he “cyberstalked your club.”

As a result, “you all do a pretty good job of getting the word out; you are people of action,” he said to club members as featured speaker during RCF’s regular meeting early Wednesday afternoon, July 17.

Showing photo slides of club members involved in a number of projects, “You step up, you make the difference,” the 6780 governor added.

One of the programs in which the club was involved was Sleep In Heavenly Peace, which now has several clubs involved.

“Did you know you are one of the leaders in that program?” he asked RCF members. “… You’re giving beds to children who don’t have one.”

Dansereau challenged club members to continue to make an impact, whether that is helping a young former Rotary Youth Exchange student leave war-torn Ukraine or raising money to fight polio.

He shared Rotary’s vision statement: “Together we see a world where people united and take action to create lasting changes across the globe in our community, ourselves.”

Reflecting on the new governor’s presentation, RCF member John Hoffman said his words were “inspiring, motivating, really defined why we’re all here — to have fun, to do good work and to keep doing more good work.”

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