Farragut Community Center • Large Classroom
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 • 6:00 p.m.
1. Approval of minutes for the February 25, 2025, meeting.
2. Staff report - wall signs approved in the past month.
3. Review of a primary permanent ground sign for The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints Temple, located at 13001 Kingston Pike.
4. Review of a landscape plan for Bruster’s Real Ice Cream, Located at 11692 Parkside Drive.
5. Review of a landscape plan for the Costco Fuel Expansion, Located at 11745 Kingston Pike.
6. Citizen Forum
It is the policy of the Town of Farragut not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, natural origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability or veteran status pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Public Law 93-112 and 101-336 in its hiring, employment practices and programs. To request accommodations due to disabilities, please call 865-966-7057 in advance of the meeting.
Published: 03-25-25
The Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Farragut will hold a public hearing on March 27, 2025, at 6:00 PM, at the Farragut Community Center, 239 Jamestowne Blvd, to hear citizen’s comments on the following ordinances:
1. Approval of Ordinance 25-02 on first reading. An ordinance to amend the Farragut Municipal Code, Appendix A., Zoning, Chapter 3., Section XII., General Commercial District (C-1), Subsection B., 12., c., 3., to change the setbacks, under certain conditions, for outdoor fences associated with commercial kennels
2. Approval of Ordinance 25-03 on first reading. An ordinance to amend the Farragut Municipal Code, Appendix A., Zoning, Chapter 3., Section XXVI., Planned Commercial Development District (PCD), Subsection C. Minimum Standards., 1. Land Uses., to add a new section f. to provide for a drive-through under certain conditions
It is the policy of the Town of Farragut not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, natural origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability or veteran status pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Public Law 93-112 and 101-336 in its hiring, employment practices and programs. To request accommodations due to disabilities, please call 865-966-7057 in advance of the meeting
Published: 03-27-25
Pursuant to Chapter 12, Section 12-1 of the Code of Ordinances for Farragut, Tennessee, it is ORDERED that the Town of Farragut Municipal Court will convene for the purpose of conducting hearings on any citations issued for Automated Traffic Enforcement and Code violations. Farragut Municipal Court will convene on the following dates at 6:00 PM:
January 13
January 27
February 10
February 24
March 10
March 24
April 14
April 28
May 26
June 9
June 23
July 14
July 28
August 11
August 25
September 8
September 22
October 13
October 27
November 24
December 8
December 22
These dates will be the regularly scheduled court dates for the Town of Farragut beginning January 1, 2025. Any cancellations or delays to the court schedule will be posted to the Municipal Court page on the Town of Farragut website at www.townoffarragut.org/court.
It is the policy of the Town of Farragut not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, natural origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion,
disability or veteran status. It is also the policy of the Town of Farragut to reasonably accommodate all qualified individuals with disabilities in admission to, access to, or operation of its programs, services and activities, unless such accommodations would cause an undue hardship. Should anyone have a concern or question about the application of these policies, please contact the Director of Human Resources and ADA Coordinator, Michelle Pence, by e-mail at mpence@townoffarragut.org, phone at 865-966-7057, or in person at the Farragut Community Center, 239 Jamestowne Blvd.
Published: 12-22-25