Turkey Creek road property to be rezoned
Property to the west of Briarstone subdivision and across from Anchor Park could be rezoned to support more houses.
Farragut Municipal Planning Commission discussed Site Infrastructure Transportation Engineers Incorporated’s requ-est for that property at its meeting Thursday, April 21. It voted to approve the rezoning, but limit it to 35 lots during its meeting Thursday, May 19.
The property that will be rezoned is at11739 Turkey Creek Road. Under the new zoning, the 16.3-acre property would be R-3, meaning small lot single family residential. It would have a minimum of 8,500 square feet per lot.
Henry Henski of Spinnaker Road said at the April 21 meeting the density of the development concerned him.
“You’ve got a beautiful drive along Turkey Creek. You’ve got the water. You’ve got a park. You’ve got the open space and now you’re going to jam it with a lot of homes,” he said.
David Dickey, also of Spinnaker Road, said at the same April 21 meeting he worried about his own nearby property’s current and potential future drainage issues. His property slopes down to a ditch below the current fencerow of the property being rezoned.
“In very significant rains, very significant drainage down that V,” he said, referring to the shape of the land.
“It actually could potentially help,” Ashley Miller, assistant community development director, said in response to a letter from another Spinnaker Road resident about drainage issues. “They’re having a sheet-flow type issue, and there’s the potential with this property being developed to capture that sheet flow and to actually channel it to a detention facility, which we would think would help their situation.”
“I think if we do end up rezoning, I would want assurances that the drainage issue is dealt with before,” Alderman Louise Povlin, FMPC member. said .
David Robinette, engineer with Site Incorporated, said at the meeting April 21 the plan involved two separate drainage areas near Turkey Creek Road.
“Drainage-wise I don’t see a problem. Everything pretty much drains toward Turkey Creek Road and I think we can intercept right at where the 25-foot buffers will be on both sides … and get it all to our detention pond,” he said.
Robinette said the development would include 35 new lots in addition to the current residence of George and Patricia Smith, which would remain.
He said he did not know the prices of homes, but the lot prices would be about $75,000 per lot.
The rezoning also would require a planted buffer around the side and rear periphery of
the tract.