God bless America and God help uninformed voters

Do you get confused by political issues or are you a well-informed voter when you head to the polls?

In the state of Washington, our Secretary of State sends out a Voter’s Manual be-fore every election. It’s quite thick, probably a hundred pages at least.

In it, you can read about and better un-derstand the candidates’ stands, ballot measures and issues if you’re a Yale graduate of the law, that is. Take ballot measures for example. Here’s Wikipedia’s definition:

A ballot measure is a piece of proposed legislation to be approved or rejected by eligible voters.

Ballot measures are also known as "propositions" or simply "questions." Ballot measures differ from most legislation passed by representative democracies; ordinarily, an elected legislature develops and passes laws.

I’ve never read an explanation of a ballot measure on a ballot that I’ve clearly understood. And, if you’re the average citizen, it’s my “proposition” you’ll be wasting your time trying to understand what they’re writing about.

If they want us to understand, why don’t they make what they write understandable?

Do you think it’s because they want us to be confused?

Using big words is just another way to show off one’s education, not one’s IQ. There’s also power in knowing more words than the masses.

You get to use words with each other and make the masses feel stupid.

Yesterday, I went to a Chamber of Commerce lunch where Washington’s Secretary of State spoke. Her name is Kim Wyman and she’s beautiful. She has long, auburn hair and has a great speaking gift along with a good sense of humor. That’s why I felt OK to ask a question during the Q & A, after her talk.

I asked, “Would it be possible to write a more understandable Voter’s Manual, sort of a Voter’s Manual for Dummies version?” No one even snickered at my question.

I went on to explain that by the time I’ve attempted to understand what a candidate or an issue is all about, I’ve ended up feeling stupid and tossing the manual in the trash.

Madam Secretary responded, “I wouldn’t be able to approach such an issue at this time.”

Since there was not a single person in the room who agreed with my dilemma (the room went quiet as death) and the secretary obviously didn’t find any humor in my question, I refrained from continuing with this suggestion, “Maybe you could get it to be a ballot measure in 2017. You could call it Proposition Dummy.”

The interesting thing about this event is that after the meeting, a lawyer in our town came up to me and said, “You nailed it Pam. I do the same thing you do and I’m an attorney.”

For more from Pam Young go to cluborganized.com. You’ll find many musings, videos of Pam in the kitchen preparing delicious meals, videos on how to get organized, lose weight and get your finances in order, all from a reformed SLOB’s point of view.