Hinners gives stern warning about Muslim Brotherhood during AFA visit
Cathy Hinners, a retired police officer from Albany, N.Y. who has worked for U.S. Department of Homeland Security as a mobile trainer on weapons of mass destruction for New York City Police Department, explained in detail how terrorists elements within the Muslim faith are attempting to “dominate” this nation.
Founder of Dailyrollcall.com while ranking herself a “hated” target among Islamic sympathizers nationwide, Hinners’ views of Muslims in the United States — and the specific threat of the Muslim Brotherhood in this nation — was her topic as featured speaker during ACT For America Knoxville Chapter’s monthly fourth-Thursday meeting April 27 in Don Delfis Pancake House & Restaurant.
Her address centered around a stern warning concerning “the Muslim Brotherhood” increasing its infiltration throughout the nation, but especially in “Bible Belt” Tennessee. “Whenever we talk of the Muslim Brotherhood we may as well say Hamas,” Hinners said. “… Tennessee is probably, I want to say fifth or sixth in line as far as refugees coming into this country.”
“… You’ve got your hands full in Knoxville [metro area] whether you know it or not,” Hinners, also a Nashville talk show host each weekday morning, added. “You’ve got some real big players from the Muslim Brotherhood in Knoxville. I’ve been told that Tennessee is Ground Zero for the Muslim Brotherhood. … It’s something that we need to pay attention to because they are in every nook-and-cranny of our society: academia, law enforcement, military, you name it, they’re involved in it.”
Hinners said The University of Tennessee, Knoxville “has some real radical voices. … You have a very radical Muslim community here.”
“The migration of Muslims to our country, and I think we’re seeing that now [in] the Refugee Resettlement Program and all these immigrants coming in; this is obviously the first stage,” Hinners said. “They’re coming here because it’s an obligation [within] Islam to dominate non-Muslim countries. … We’re up to about 7 million Muslims in this country that we know of. … It’s hard to fathom, but they have often said they don’t need bombs and knives, they just use suits and dresses.
“We don’t know who they are; we can’t determine who’s the soldier and who’s the enemy? They are very good at what they do,” she added.
Saying “the Muslim Brotherhood” is “very successful” at “placing themselves as victims” with the burning down of mosques and Korans being “thrown into toilets,” Hinners added, “I can tell you 95 percent of those incidents” are not hate crimes by anti-Muslims.
Instead, “the goal is to gain [Muslim] sympathy and the support from all of us,” Hinners said.
On the subject of interfaith gatherings, Hinners asked if any audience member’s place of worship had hosted such an event with Muslims.
When no one raised his or her hand to indicate yes, Hinners said, “Let’s keep it that way.”
Moreover, “when you have Muslims inviting Christians and Jews to these mosques, it is nothing more that what is … planting the seed of Islam in everyone’s head to make them think that Islam is just like Christianity. They’ll even tell you ‘Allah is your god, it’s just Arabic for God.’
“But that isn’t true. Obviously there’s a big difference in the Koran and the Bible,” she added. “There’s over 109 versus in the Koran that say ‘you need to kill the non-believer.’”
Hinners’ listed the other three stages toward Islamic dominance — adding some elements in all these stages have yet to be realized in the United States: “[stage 2 includes] efforts to destroy historic evidence … [stage 3 includes] open war with leadership and culture … mass execution of non-Muslims … intentional efforts to undermine our government … murder of moderate Muslim intellectuals; we haven’t seen that yet … open and covert efforts to cause economic collapse … [stage 4] complete theocracy toppling democracy. A lot of us say ‘we’ll never see it.’ I don’t know that we won’t see it.”
For all of President Donald Trump’s platform to stamp out Islamic terrorism threats in this nation, Hinners said, “Let’s not think for one second that President Trump can do away with all of this. This is going to take a milestone [effort] to get rid of.”
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