McFee Manor concept plan presented to staff
The second item of business at the Wednesday, July 5, Town of Farragut Staff/Developer meeting was the proposed subdivision, McFee Manor. Mark Fronczek with WindRiver Management, Derick Jones with Sterling Engineering in Maryville and Joseph Ayres, who owns the property with his father, were at the meeting with drawings of the development.
McFee Manor is planned for the east side of McFee Road, across from Bridgemore subdivision. Developers plan to put in 10 homes and leave 35 percent as open space.
“A lot of the property was placed in a conservation easement,” Mark Shipley, Community Development director, said.
“Hopefully, the wetlands will fall within the open space that we’re not doing anything with,” Jones said.
“Are there any sinkholes you all know of?” Shipley asked.
“I only ask that because Bridgemore has a lot of sinkholes and oftentimes they go in a linear fashion.”
Fronczek, Jones and Ayres responded in the negative.
“Who will inspect and maintain the wetland area?” said Robin Hill, a Farragut resident who attended the meeting.
Shipley said it would be the responsibility of the homeowners association to maintain the wetland.
Cheryl Nehls, the other Farragut resident at the meeting, suggested educating residents to instruct them not to dump their brush in the wetland area.
“Long term I see a problem with maintaining the wetland in its current condition,” Hill said. “I would like to see the Town take stewardship of that wetland area. It’s going to be hard for six or eight owners and I wouldn’t want to do that anyway.”
“That’s why they set up an HOA,” Alderman Louise Povlin said. “Fox Run HOA takes care of theirs.”
“We have that all over town,” Shipley said.
“The goal is to make these fairly large lots but not push them into the environmentally sensitive area,” Jones said.
“As far as keeping the wetlands as they are,” Town engineer Darryl Smith said., “I dare say nobody’s going to be burning tires out here or parking an old school bus.”