letter to the editor
‘Lots of questions. No answers’
I’m referring specifically to a new walking trail on Smith Road. Our Andover Place Homeowners Board, consisting of 4 or 5 members, has apparently given up our greenway land to someone at town hall to construct a walking trail. Not one of our 152 households was consulted. The only indication of this trail was a budget item of $150K for a trail on Smith Road. Such a trail was proposed six years ago and voted down by residents by a six-to-one margin. At that time we held several meetings with the TOF (Ruth Hawk specifically). We residents in Andover Place voted NO to giving up our land for a walking trail. What has changed?
Have we homeowners been asked if we want to give up an additional 15 feet of our land? No! The town currently has a 10 feet right to build a sidewalk. A sidewalk would be less costly for our Andover HOA to maintain. Six years ago the TOF said they would maintain the trail twice a year. That was, and still is, unacceptable. We live in a well-maintained community. We do not need an eyesore of an ill kept walking trail greeting our development.
Another concern is water run-off. The slope of land from Smith Road to residents on Southwick Circle is downhill. Lots of water currently runs down to our property. Will this walking trail be sloped toward Smith Road or will this walking trail result in more water invading our property?
How many trees is the TOF planning on destroying for this trail?
Lots of questions. No answers!
Roger C. Legako