New pastor unveils CCPC vision for future
“I believe every person has questions about why they exist and what their purpose in life is,” the Rev. Seth Hammond said recently.
Just before “Vision Sunday” Aug. 20 at Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church, 12915 Kingston Pike in Farragut, Hammond took some time to talk about his vision for the church’s future.
“Everybody asks those questions at some time in their life,” said Hammond, who took over the pulpit as CCPC senior paster in May when the Rev. Jim Barnes, founding pastor, retired.
“The Bible answers life’s hardest questions. The reason for people’s existence is to glorify God and enjoy Him. We are made in His image and made like Him because He’s our creator. Our purpose is to reflect His goodness and His attributes.
“I say the church provides truth for life’s hardest questions and family for life’s difficult struggles,” he added. “Jim’s very first sermon was Ephesians 4:12, which basically says the church’s responsibility is to train church members for the work of ministry for the building up of the church. He started that on day one and we’re going to continue that. He laid a great foundation.”
Looking back, “When I got here almost five years ago, the church had started praying for revival,” Hammond said. “Revival means to wake up. Christ Covenant is praying God will wake up the church around the community, country and the world. We support 29 missionaries around the world. That’s part of our strategy.
“The vision is to awaken the church and engage the culture,” he added. “Our mission is to reach and equip people of all ages with the uncompromising truth of Scripture, enabling us to serve others with the unwavering love of Jesus in our families, church, community and world.”
“Our strategy is to equip people through discipleship, classes and worship and serve people through small groups, outreach and missions. All these efforts will be covered in prayer.
As for support, “Being part of a great staff has been energizing,” Hammond said.
“We hope folks will come see what we’re about,” said Teresa Pratt, media coordinator. “Our services are Sunday mornings at 9:30 and 10:50.”