FHS HOSA has 30 recognized

While the club normally is strong competitively and has sent many students to state and even national contests, this year it had more regional winners than ever before, all of whom will be attending the state HOSA competition March 26-28 in Chattanooga.
Thirty students won first-, second-, third-, fourth- and fifth-place honors at the regional competition held in January.
There were 20 first-place winners alone, which included David Lee, medical spelling; Zirui Zhou, medical terminology; Cassie Horwege, behavioral health; Ben Chenot, nutrition; Adam von Arnim, biomedical laboratory science; Hayle Kim, Reva Bagi, Yasha Doddabele and Audrey Richards, public health; Phoebe Su, extemporaneous writing; Humayl Malik, job-seeking skills; Alisha Soni, researched persuasive writing and speaking; Yune Kim, Kevin Wang, Weifeng Zhang and Jessey Yang, creative problem-solving; and Michael Lin, Roger Chen, David Hu and Aditya Bal, HOSA bowl.
Second-place winners were Michelle He, medical law and ethics; Alex Chuprynov, transcultural healthcare; and Prajwal Jagadish and Jeremy Driver, forensics.
Third-place winners were Renee Howard, health career photography and Safa Ahmed, Claudia Levi and Archana Ramesh, biomedical debate.
Mohamed Mbaye won fourth-place in dental terminology and Karry Su won fifth place in human growth and development.
Club sponsor Kailey Ryan, who teaches health science at FHS, said club members “had a lot of self-motivation and relied on quite a bit of self-learning” to prepare for the regionals.
“They have to get 100 percent [on the individual categories] on their own.
“I am really proud of them, they are amazing students.”
HOSA Club president Michael Lin was equally impressed.
“This year, everyone has really stepped up and put in a lot of work — months of work,” he said.
While most of the 90 club members don’t take classes taught by Ryan, she said, “Probably 99 percent of them will be going into the medical field of some kind.”
Ryan said last year two FHS students attended the national HOSA competition, and hopes are high that even more will be chosen to attend this year.
This year’s national competition will be held June 27-30 in Dallas, Texas.