Pinnacle provides a boost for ‘Be a Santa for A Senior’ program

Home Instead Senior Care has been providing gifts for senior citizens through its “Be a Santa for A Senior” program for several years.
However, this year, the program got a major boost from the Pinnacle at Turkey Creek, which partnered with them to ensure as many elderly Knox Countians as possible are not forgotten.
The big kickoff for the joint effort was held Nov. 16, at the Pinnacle’s annual “Light Up” event, which featured entertainment and a visit from Santa Claus during festivities culminating in the lighting of the property’s 60-foot Christmas Tree.
“We realized early on that the best way to benefit the community is to be part of the community, and we thought this was a wonderful program to support,” said Darryl Whitehead, general manager for Pinnacle at Turkey Creek.
The “Be a Santa for A Senior” program is working with assisted living facilities, nursing homes and low-income housing residents to provide about 3,000 individuals with specified gifts, which include clock radios, warm robes or house shoes, toiletries, gift cards and gloves.
Gift tags detailing requested presents have been placed on the 60-foot tree, along with other locations throughout the property, for individuals to select. Tags are to be returned to Pinnacle Guest Services Office, located next door to the Hallmark Store.
Gifts will be accepted up to Friday, Dec. 21, then volunteers will wrap them. Knox County Sheriff’s Office will help with deliveries.
Amy Hull, COO/franchise owner of Home Instead Senior Care Knoxville, said she contacted Knox County’s Community Action Committee and its Office on Aging, as well as all of Knox County’s low-income housing neighborhoods, to help pull off the project.
Whitehead said the office has been deluged with gifts already, and office staff and volunteers are wrapping presents daily to prepare for delivery.
He said in addition to KCSO, other sponsors helping with the project include Mercedes-Benz of Knoxville and Costco.