July 11, 2019 by
Town of Farragut elected officials, employees and volunteers all were out in full force as thousands of families lined the north and south sides of Kingston Pike to enjoy 32nd Annual Town of Farragut Independence Day Parade Thursday morning, July 4. Aldermen in back waving to the crowd, from left, are Ron Pinchok, Drew Burnette and Vice Mayor Louise Povlin. In front wearing her crown is Pinchok’s wife, Debbie Pinchok, who is a member of Town’s Parks and Athletics Council.
With all the success of this annual parade, should the Town attempt another holiday parade — even if on a smaller scale? A Christmas or Thanksgiving parade? What about a New Year’s Day parade? Tell us what you think about this or any other local, state, regional or national issue by calling 671-TALK (8255).