presstalk 671-TALK

• I’m responding to the Presstalk call-in about the traffic lights in Farragut and the cameras (Opinion page 4A, July 25 issue). I have to say I constantly am driving up and down Kingston Pike and notice as long as you obey the traffic lights you don’t even notice that the cameras are there, so I’m not sure what the caller’s issue is. If the issue is speeding, would he (or she) prefer people run through red-lights or quickly come to a red-light stop because they were speeding? I’m not sure which one is better. The (Knox County) Sheriff’s deputies have told me that actually accidents have gone down since the cameras were installed, so I’m not sure if this caller is, what do we call it? False news or what; or what his (or her) problem is with it, but I think they’re a good thing. Let’s keep them up.