BOMA 'shares wealth' with four Farragut schools
The Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen kicked off its meeting Thursday, Sept. 12, by “sharing the wealth” with Farragut’s public schools.
Mayor Ron Williams and Vice Mayor Louise Povlin presented four $22,000 checks to representatives from Farragut Primary, Intermediate, Middle and High schools and a $12,000 check to the FHS Education Foundation.
The Town operates almost entirely on sales tax revenue, but has made financial contributions to its public schools for more than 20 years, according to Wendy Smith, the Town’s Marking and Public Relations coordinator.
Farragut Middle School principal Weston Edmonds said his school would use the money for technology and staff development.
“That’s typically how we spend it every year,” he said.
Gina Byrd, principal of FPS, said they, too, would be using the money toward technology needs, along with instructional classroom materials.
Jean Ogle and Gene Perkins are co-chairs of the FHS Education Foundation this year, and accepted the check on its behalf.
“It is really important to us to make sure we use that money to touch as many Farragut students as possible,” said Ogle, who is in her first year serving on the Foundation, adding the money has not been specifically earmarked. “I know in years past we have helped redo the chemistry labs or provided additional Chromebooks.”
“Our plans are to continue to purchase instructional materials and technology devices, utilize funds for any computer repairs and make any playground updates as needed,” FIS principal Deborah Adorante said.
Dr. John Barlett, assumed the reigns at FHS as principal in late July, said, “Our first priority is finishing the purchasing of the furniture for the library renovation.
“At this time we are still pricing the needed furniture; therefore, we do not know how much we will have left to go to any other projects.”
He went on to say that any extra funds would be earmarked for “some general classroom and building improvement projects … along with teacher and student technology needs.”
In other business:
• BOMA approved unanimously two races, both of which will be held in November.
• New this year will be the Veteran’s Salute 10K, 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run, set for Saturday, Nov. 9, and sponsored by the Town and Fleet Feet, a Turkey Creek athletic apparel store. The second race is sponsored solely by Fleet Feet: the 10th annual Hot to Trot 5K/10K and Fun Run, which will take place on Parkside Drive on Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 28.
Town Parks and Recreation director Sue Stuhl presented both races to the Board for approval, noting the Salute to Veteran’s Race will take the place of the Half-Marathon race, which was formerly sponsored by the Knoxville Track Club before being discontinued last year.
As it has in year’s past, the Board voted unanimously to cancel its second meetings in November and December, because of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, respectively.