A second chance to be heard: Mayor’s Night Out, part 2, at Water into Wine

“My daughter discussed the high school,” Viox said about topics brought before Williams.
The mayor said earlier this fall he hoped Farragut citizens would taken advantage of the monthly Mayor’s Night Out events to share their opinions, concerns and ideas about Town matters.
Saying he was appreciative of Viox’s hospitality, Williams was joined by his wife, T.C. Williams, Town Vice Mayor Louise Povlin and Town administrator David Smoak.
Vice Mayor Jennifer Wampler of Lenoir City also happened to be at Water into Wine, and she introduced herself to the Farragut officials.
“We are growing so much in Lenoir City, and I am always watching what is happening around us,” she said. “I love seeing what is going on in Farragut.”
The mayor said he likely would hold at least one more Mayor’s Night Out event — hoping to draw a bigger citizen response — but had not planned a location, date or time for December at press deadline.