Miracle Match
Kincaid receives new kidney

Kincaid, who suffers from polysystic kidney disease, had been on the transplant list since earlier this year, and has been the subject of many fund-raisers and public calls for potential kidney donors as a match was sought.
His grandparents, Elaine and Sam Touton, and sister, Livy, joined Kincaid en route to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston, where they learned the kidney was a “100 percent match,” Elaine said.
“They haven’t told us much about the donor,” she added. “We just know the kidney is young and healthy.”
Kincaid successfully underwent the transplant surgery Thursday, Dec. 26, then spent two hours in recovery, and was in the ICU for less than 24 hours.
“He’s doing good,” Elaine said early Friday, Dec. 27. “He’s still tired from anesthesia, but doing great, and his doctor is pleased with kidney function.”
Kincaid was moved to a regular hospital room later that day, and he and his family will be spending several weeks in Atlanta while doctors perform follow-up care and monitoring.
Elaine rejoiced in the good news, which has been a long time coming. Kincaid had two older siblings who succumbed to the same kidney disease before he was born.
Knowing his entire life Kincaid would need a transplant, his mother had planned to donate one of her’s. However, she was killed by her husband three years ago, leaving Kincaid without a bilogical mother and without a healthy kidney. He and Livy have been cared for by their maternal grandparents since that time. This past year, Kincaid’s need grew greater, as his kidney function dropped to 14 percent, signaling the possibility of dialysis on the horizon if a kidney wasn’t soon found.
“I would just like to say that God’s timing is always perfect,” Elaine said. “Three years ago today, we were grieving the loss of their mom. Today, we’re celebrating the new life Kincaid’s been given. What a gift. We are praising God for this Christmas miracle and praying for the family of the unknown donor.”
Elaine said the family also is grateful for the fundraising and help provided during the last few months, including the more than $9,000 raised through a Farragut High School/FMS Swim-A-Thon Tuesday, Dec. 17, and $2,750 from bracelet sales at both schools.
“I want to thank everyone for their prayers, love and support through this journey. Our community has really helped us in so many ways. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”