“Every year, the leader of the CCC (Knoxville Catholic’s spirit section - Crazy Catholic Corner) leads the final cheer and send-off at graduation just before the cap-toss,” said Pam Rhoades, director of marketing and communications for KCHS. “Major Hollin led the group this year. It’s a mix of ‘rah’s’ side to side (like a rollercoaster) and the chorus of ‘Don’t Stop Believin’’ by the band Journey, followed by the cap-toss. It’s really fun to see.” - Photos by Kelly Kearse, KCHS
Knoxville Catholic High School teachers from left, Fletcher Williams, Jared Kimutis and Dani Waldrop, leap for joy before the ceremony. - Photos by Kelly Kearse, KCHS
Akeem Odisupe - Photos by Kelly Kearse, KCHS
Joshua Borja sported his own unique face covering. - Photos by Kelly Kearse, KCHS
Heading into the stadium are graduates-to-be, from right, Cody Duncan, Claire Earl, Olivia Escher and Kathy Fan. - Photos by Kelly Kearse, KCHS
Graduate Alyssa Lucci socially distances by touching elbows with Bishop Richard F. Stika of Sacred Heart Cathedral as she receives her diploma. Stika always confers diplomas, and was joined this year by Sacred Heart Cathedral rector, Father David Boettner. - Photos by Kelly Kearse, KCHS
Graduate Tim Amet bumps elbows with Father David Boettner, rector of Sacred Heart Cathedral, after receiving his diploma. - Photos by Kelly Kearse, KCHS
Natalie Dale - Photos by Kelly Kearse, KCHS
Spencer Belanger leads his section during the annual “final cheer and send off” rollercoaster-style just before students tossed their mortarboards. - Photos by Kelly Kearse, KCHS
Mary Elizabeth Cox and Michael Stapelton (not pictured) won the Sedes Sapientiae Award, considered the “highest honor that Knoxville Catholic High School confers on its graduating seniors.” It is voted on by the school’s faculty and the administration and is presented to two seniors who “best epitomize loyalty, service, scholarship and authentic Christian leadership,” according to the KCHS senior awards web page. - Photos by Kelly Kearse, KCHS