National summer tests for Matt’s Ads
While area talent uses various venues to sharpen diamond skills, FHS’s Kim, Seigler commit to Division I programs

Tanner Kim
Planning to play in the Southeastern Conference after recently committing to the University of Kentucky, “Tanner Kim’s having a big summer,” FHS head coach Matt Buckner said about the versatile Admirals fielder who “will hit in our three-hole” in 2021.
Though mostly a first baseman at FHS, Kim could play “some third (base), maybe some outfield” for the Ads next season, Buckner said.
Hudson Seigler
Seigler, who is solidly entrenched as Farragut’s catcher for 2021, “is playing fine” this summer, the coach said about this East Tennessee State University commitment.
Perfect Game details, son
With Kim, Seigler and “most” of his Admirals currently playing big-time summer travel ball in Atlanta with Perfect Game — what Buckner labels as “a huge, massive billion-dollar industry of baseball that is played all over the United States” in age divisions 10 to 18 — these players are taking on a swift pace of play.
Kim and Seigler, for example, are playing in the 17-Under division.
Within the Perfect Game framework, “There’s probably four, five, six different organizations that our guys play on, as far as teams they play for,” Buckner said.
Having started in late May and playing throughout the Southeast through July, “My son has already played in five tournaments,” the coach said about Lukas Buckner, a rising freshman middle-infielder playing in the 14-Under division. “I’ve been to Florida twice — my son played in Ft. Myers and Panama Beach — Hoover, Alabama, once, and Atlanta once. I’ve been all over the country with my son playing.”
World Wood Bat tourneys
That’s before the upcoming Perfect Game “World Wood Bat” tourneys ahead this month, the Admirals skipper said. “Tons of our guys” will be playing in one of those divisions.
In “16-and-Under World Wood Bat” division, for example, “It will have 160 teams in it,” Buckner added. “The 14-and-Under World Wood Bat coming up next week, it’ll have 160 teams in it.”
The 17-and-Under World Wood Bat tourney “in two weeks, they’ll have 300 teams from all across the country in it,” he said. “This is all hosted either in Atlanta or Hoover.”
Missing most of his 11th season as Farragut head coach last spring due to the virus, having taken over for his mentor and local coaching legend Tommy Pharr in 2010, Buckner said, “My son was 3 when I got here.
“Time flies.”