Frequently Asked Questions: KCS Health And Safety ’20-21
(Information courtesy of Knox County Schools)
Will students be required to wear masks?
All students will be required to wear an appropriate mask while on campus when physical distancing isn’t possible unless a student is unable to remove
a mask without assistance or has a medical condition or other need preventing it.
Will masks be provided?
Masks will be provided to staff and students if needed.
Will teachers and other school employees be required to wear masks?
All staff will be required to wear an appropriate mask while on campus when physical distancing isn’t possible or there is a medical condition preventing it.
Will temperature checks be conducted every day?
Every person who enters the school building will be required to have a temperature check.
Where will temperature checks be conducted? Will students be gathered in large groups while they wait for a temperature check or will they be taken in classrooms?
Each school will have a plan in place for checking temperatures prior to students entering classrooms.
Schools also will take steps to ensure that students do not congregate in large groups while awaiting screening.
What happens if a student or employee has a fever?
All students and staff will have their temperature checked prior to the start of classes each day. Students with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater will be isolated and parents will be called to pick them up. Schools will be provided thermometers at the ratio of one per 40 students to facilitate the completion of this task.
Employees with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater will return home.
I work during the day. How will my student get home if they have a fever?
Parents should ensure their children are fever-free prior to boarding the bus or arriving at school. If a fever is detected at school, parents will be asked to make arrangements to pick up their child just as they do any other time a child becomes sick at school.
If a student tests positive for COVID-19, will their teacher or other students in that classroom be quarantined or isolated?
KCS Health Services Department will work closely with Knox County Health Department to execute contact tracing in order to determine who might need to be quarantined or isolated. There are multiple variables that must be considered such as proximity and duration of exposure that will be considered in making the determination. KCS will work with the KCHD to determine who needs to be quarantined.
If a student is quarantined or isolated, will they be able to receive online instruction while they are out of school?
Students will have access to instruction via Virtual Learning opportunities.
If a teacher tests positive for COVID-19, will students in that teacher’s classroom be quarantined or isolated?
KCS Health Services Department will work closely with Knox County Health Department to execute contact tracing in order to determine who might need to be quarantined or
isolated. There are multiple variables that must be considered such as
proximity and duration of exposure that will be considered in making the determination.
How will schools ensure physical distancing in classrooms?
Physical distancing at the recommended distances will not always be possible in every classroom due to the differences in classroom and class sizes. The district is taking steps to otherwise mitigate the risk of an infection being shared. These include:
1. Physical distancing will be observed to the greatest extent possible in each classroom.
2. Daily temperature checks for all students and staff.
3. Regular disinfection of high contact surfaces, common areas, restrooms and classrooms.
4. Providing hand sanitizer to all classrooms.
5. Use of masks.
How will schools ensure social distancing in common areas?
Mass gatherings such as assemblies and pep rallies should not be held unless appropriate physical distancing can be maintained.
If a COVID-19 vaccine is created, will it be a requirement for
Vaccination requirements are determined by the state, so KCS would follow their guidance.
Will visitors be allowed on
Visitor access will be restricted to essential personnel and those who have scheduled appointments for school business that cannot be conducted over the phone or by e-mail.
-Visitors will be required to wear a mask.
-Visitors will be expected to adhere
to physical distancing requirements.
-Visitors will be subject to temperature checks. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or greater must re-schedule.
How often will schools be cleaned?
Buildings will undergo daily sanitizing for high-touch areas such as doorknobs, handrails and countertops using a COVID-certified disinfectant. Common areas such as administrative areas, libraries, cafeterias, auditoriums, gymnasiums and hallways will
be misted with a COVID-certified disinfectant daily. Classrooms will be cleaned per the district’s standing
protocols and as needed; they will be misted at least every other day. Restrooms will be monitored and disinfected multiple times each day.
Additionally, each classroom will
be provided with hand sanitizer and disinfectant.
Buildings also will be disinfected either in part or in their entirety, as may be necessary following a positive COVID diagnosis of a student or staff member.
Custodial shifts and hours may be adjusted to support these requirements.
Is KCS relying on students to clean classrooms?
Will secondary students be moving between classrooms?
This will be determined by each school’s administrative team.
Where will students eat lunch?
This will be determined by each school’s administrative team. Food
Service personnel are prepared to
support plans devised by the school
Will students be allowed to use playgrounds?
How will teachers ensure that supplies such as crayons, scissors and other items are not shared?
KCS teachers will determine what strategy they implement to ensure materials are not shared.
Will students have access to hand sanitizer? How often will they be able to wash their hands?
Yes. The frequency of use will depend upon the specific classes and the activities in which they are engaged.
Will before- and after-school organizations still have access to school campuses?
During drop-off, can I accompany my student inside the school
No, families should drop off
students and pick them up using the car rider line or drop off at the front door if walking.
Will students or staff who exhibit symptoms be required to show a negative COVID-19 test to return to school?
Students or staff will not be required to produce negative test results to return to school. A student or staff
member with fever and no other symptoms must be fever free without the assistance of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours before returning to school. A student or staff member with
fever and COVID-19 symptoms must remain home for 72 hours and have met the criteria to discontinue home isolation and have consulted their primary care provider.
Will KCS notify me if a student or school employee at my child’s school tests positive for COVID-19?
KCS will notify families if there is an incident that results in potentially being exposed to COVID-19.
What measures are you taking to ensure the social, emotional and mental health of my child?
School counselors will be available for any students who need social, emotional and mental health support. Teachers should be made aware of parent concerns and those concerns can be addressed by the school principal or the district QuEST principal.