bioPURE launched by Farragut couple

The Wilsons’ two-step process uses chlorine dioxide and an electrostatic-charged sprayer to disinfect surfaces primarily in homes and businesses.
“I’m really tickled to be able to provide that to the Knoxville area,” co-owner/operator Jennifer Wilson said. “We do have a sister company, bioPURE, which will be the west area territory as well, but we can cover any areas that they need us.”
“It’s hospital-grade, EPA-approved and it protects against harmful bacteria,” Wilson said. “You can use it in your home; it can be used in business.”
She said the product disinfects 99.9 percent of all viruses, including COVID-19, as well as bacteria, mold, mildew, flu and mrsa (m ethcillin-resistant staff aresa), an antibiotic-resisistant staph infection.
To book an appointment, call Wilson, 865-317-0920 or 423-341-2143, or e-mail her at More information on the bioPURE product is available at
The Wilsons moved to Farragut from Johnson City — after a short stay in Oak Ridge — Thursday, Aug. 6, after Mark got an opportunity to work at the Y-12 plant in Oak Ridge.
But Jennifer first learned about the product even before COVID-19 came to America.
“I had read an article in the (newspaper) about bioPURE, and they had a new company that was coming to the area,” she said. “It’s a microbial disinfecting company.”
Being a nurse and occupational therapist for about 27 years, the product intrigued Wilson.
While chlorine dioxide had been around since the late 1800s, she said, “bioPURE was a different, new way to clean.
Wilson realized she needed a change.
“I was looking for something I believed in … that’s the thing I loved about healthcare was being able to help people. This just seemed to fall in line with that in a different capacity,” she said. ”I felt really strongly about this product the more I researched it.”
Mark’s job opportunity and their move was the catalyst she needed to think more seriously about going into business for herself.
“I thought, ‘I’m just going to jump in. I’m going to do it,’” Wilson recalled. “I really believed in the product, and this was a great opportunity for my family.