Support Pink Out Game cause, wear pink Friday: Thompson

“It looks different this year with less people in the stands, but we are having the game this Friday, Oct. 9, versus (Kingsport) Dobyns Bennett (opening kickoff 7:30 p.m.),” said Stephanie Thompson, who leads the effort annually in memory of her sister and FHS Class of 2000 alum, Ashley Slagle, who succumbed to breast cancer. “I do it all for my sister, who was diagnosed when she was 27 and passed away when she was 30.” Ashley’s children, Trey and Livi Slagle, attend Farragut schools.
Thompson said she has been working with Lori and Gerald DeVault of FHS Football Booster Club on Pink Out details.
As in years past, Thompson has been selling T-shirts in advance of the game — 500 have been sold so far this year, with $4 of each shirt going to ACS.
“We have done this for three years now with Signs ’N Such and sold 1,400 Pink Out shirts,” she added. Some remain available, and may be purchased by contacting Thompson at
Additionally, one tradition that began last year with then FHS seniors Garrett Howe and Adam Fuller, who raised more than $3,000 for the ACS and subsequently shaved their heads, carries ahead with three FHS students stepping up to make a similar offer this year.
Angus Pence, Jack Hollis and Blake Milstead are raising money for the ACS through the website Cheddar Up, and each have promised to shave their heads based on the amount of funds they raise. For $4,000, they will be shaved with a 2 guard; for $5,000, they will use a 1 guard; and if they raise $10,000, they have lined up a surprise individual who will have his or her head shaved.
Studio 135 stylists Heather Carper and Hannah Clark and owner Jessica Moore will do the shaving. To donate:
Beyond the football game, “I want all the people in Town to show their support,” she said about asking Town residents to wear pink Friday.
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Farragut High School students, from left, Jack Hollis, Angus Pence and Blake Milstead, are offering to shave their heads during the Friday, Oct. 9, FHS Pink Out Game versus Dobyns-Bennett if they raise enough money for American Cancer Society.