presstalk 671-TALK (8255) or
• Concord Road traffic has gotten so heavy and so loud over the past few years, it seems like a good time to gather a collective voice and take it down to the Town Meeting Hall to ask for a sound-barrier wall. For those of us who live near the Turkey Creek Road intersection, it is no longer possible to have a conversation with our neighbors over the increasingly intolerable noise pollution. Dump trucks, semis, speeding Mustangs, honking horns, loud mufflers and all that exhaust are making my ears bleed and my lungs hurt. Suggestions on how to start this process would be much appreciated.
• To our elected officials: the overwhelming majority of residents appreciate all you do to help shape and protect the look, feel and image of Farragut, but a majority of those same residents now realize you have missed the boat on what is really desired in a Town Center. We do not want a “Town Center” designed and built based primarily on “opportunity,” which is what seems to be happening here. Just because we have an anchor tenant in hand and a developer willing to invest in an apartment complex, does not mean we should go forward with those. Residents do not want a second grocery store and an apartment complex with a sidewalk around it to comprise 75 percent of a new “Town Center.” Residents want a welcoming, open, natural park-like destination that offers smaller, casual indoor/outdoor social spaces that will serve as a place folks can walk or bike or drive to in order to enjoy some relaxed time in/around those specialty shops, restaurants and bistros. Please hit the reset button on your current Town Center plans. Your residents deserve to be involved in a second pass at this.