Dear Santa...
Letters from Farragut Primary School Students

Love, Chloe
This year I am wishing for a few things first I’m want a etric scooter, some food for other famlies, and these cool ld lights. I also want air pools.
Love, Jack
I want an nitindo switch, and please give my siste a Robot. Please give Dad a new computer. And please give Mom a new blanket.
Love, Daniel
My mom needs mouny because my mom is cand of poor. My sister Aolndra wants to get a backpack. My brother Esnbyer wants to get a toy car. My baby brother wants to get baby toy to help him lern and make him happy. My brother Edwin wants to get a istrmit. My brother Dante wants to be a singer. I want to be a singer.
Love, Renata
My uncle is going through heart atak. please give him something that will help him. I want Real littles for Chismis and I wish a mary Chismis to all.
Love, Dylan
for Christmas I want money because I want my family to surviv so we can be heathy so that the family wood be together.
Love, Parker
I’m thankful for all my family. I think my mom would love a pet cat because she likes their soft fur. I think my brother would love for Crazy Dog to be pubblished because he thinks his comics are good.
I would like a real puppy because I think their cute. My dad would like a mug. I love Cristmas because it’s a time we all can spend time together.
Love, mCharlie
My mom whats a new couch. I hop a Merry Christmas to everybody.
Love, Juan
I am thankful for the things you have giveing me. I want to help the people that are poor. Me and my brother want some funitur when we move upstair. For my dogs I want some more toys. For my Parents I am getting them some kitchen suplis. I am getting the poor people a gift card. Thank you for you have gotin me.
Love, Will
fo Christmas can I have sumthing that will help my mom cus she worcks hardr and hardr every day. Fo my Dad bboberns cus he loves them. to my sister Seneca a Lego finds cit. and I wud lik a lego set.
Love, Sydney
I want money to give to poor people and a violin so I can give it to my sister. She loves music. I want an guitar for myself so I can play it at home with my sister listening to music. I want a croptop for my mom. for dad I want a pair of weights.
Love, ZoZo
I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I am tring to be nise to my brother. I hope your rainder are well. This Christmas I wode like a bike for me and my brother, then I what colering thing. Finuing, my brother mite what transformrs and toy car, and thank you for all the givtes.
Love, Serena
I am thankful for you giving us presents Santa !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a ryan blue egg!!! Also I wan’t it because I love to watch the show ryan’s world. Could I also get a nintendo swich because my brother Tovi wants a Nintendo swich so bad !!!!! Also can you help Daniel’s eye please!
Love, Malachi
I want money to give to poor people and a guitar for my (omitted) dad he likes music, and a violin for my sister She’s so good and I want a lot of food so i can give it to people who live i cabins. I want those things because I am thankful for all people in this country and the workers of all stores and also restaurants and schools.
Love, Helen
How is it in the North Pole? It must be relaxing. Are you ready for Christmas?
What do you do on Thanksgiving? For Christmas I’ll kindly ask for A Nintendo Switch or some other gamig system and a game for it.
Love, Conley
How are you doing? How are the reindeer? Is it cold and snowy down there? And do you have to wear a mask? Here are some things I want. I want an Artkit and some twisty pets. I also want an Rainbow High Fashion Doll. The color I want is green. The Last thing I want is a VIP pet salon. Thank you for getting all of us toys and other things.
Love, Nancy
How are the reindeer doing? I would like a 3D printing pen and I would like a orbes oltiment smoothing spa. Merry Christmas Santa. I hope you have a good Christmas.
Love, Liv
How are you doing in the North Pole? Don’t worry the cookies will be better than ever this year! I have a question, can I please get a reborn toddler and all she needs please? Santa you’re so awesome. You do so much work all year you should take a break. Can I come up there and help?
Love, Vyva
How are you doing? Are the reindeer okay? Do you have to where a mask? How are the elves doing? Hmmmm, and can I have a OMG doll, that smelly pet thing, one of the polly pocket sets that my firen Emma has, for my cousins to come, and the stuff that I wished for during the year? Have a Ho Ho Ho Christmas!
Love, Madison
How are you doing and how are the reindeer? Is there Covid 19 at the North Pole? What makes your sleigh fly? I want Legos.
Love, Wyatt
How is Rudolph doing? Can I have Amercian girl doll house, a plushy, and some more Legos, and a new water bottle?
Love, Loralei
Hi Santa! Where have you been today? Are you having Christmas today? What cookies do you like? How much reindeer do you have?
Love, Jonathan
What is your favoret toy? Does your randeer have coved? Does your Elf have coved? I want a huverbord!
Love, Oliver
How is coco doing? You are the best person comeing around near Christmas. This is what I want for Christmas. I want an Iphone 8, LOL dolls, candy, puppy, and a skatebord.
Love, Mary Beth
Are you ready for Cristmas? I want a lego hidden side. I want a Iphone 12. I want a stocking for Bernie my new dog. And joy for my family.
Love, Luke
How are things going in the North Pole? Is the coronavyris in the North Pole? I was going to say I want a wally toy for Christmas. How are your reindeers? I hope your reindeers are not making fun of roodof the red nose reindeer.
Love, Lieyton
I hop you have a good weekend? How is the reindeer? And I want a Transformer for Christmas.
Love, Caffrey
How are you doing in the North Pole? Are you exid abot Christmas? I am. What do you want for Christmas? I want a magic eight ball and a fake horse and led-lits, a picshr of Kadin, and a American Boy doll and a girl. Last but not lest a huvrboard. Maybe a cat.
Love, Emery
Can you tell Candycane that I am making a surprise for him so when I am telling him to close his eyes he does it. An tell him to not be in my room or diary. Anyway can I have two things. One is a doberman puppy that is real. The next one is a autograph from Rudolph. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Love, Ana
Do you have to where a mask in the North Pole? How are your reindeer doing? How are you? How are your elves doing? What is your favorite part of being santa? Do you like your job? Do you like my family? Do you like me? Santa can I please have a American girl doll piazza set and a baby care set for my doll hannah for Chirmas? I am thankful for you and your reindeer and you elves.
Love, Emma
If you are real I wood ask a question how are you doing? I wood say if the North Pole is cold how wood you get a mask if so wood you have one like a picture of a raindeer.
Love, Cavin
How are things going up in the North Pole? For Christmas? I want a real working Elder wand Next I want happiness for my mom. Then I want a Nimbles 2000. Last I want my mom to be rich one day.
Love, Ankbel
For Christmas I won’t to get a newborn puppy and a play car. P.S. tell Mrs. Claus I said hi By the way I want the newborn puppy to have a collar that says Carnation and (family address) Knoxville, TN. Thank you Santa! I love you. PS tell the elfs I said hi And the reindeer. Also a shihtzu yorkie mix.
Love, Vivian
Have a happy Christmas and have fun! I just want to have fun with my family this year and have a Merry Christmas.
Love, Lilly
I would like to have a lot of things for Chrismas. I would like to have a indindow switch, a hover board, a verch w/ vealet extreme vnarbel run. I can’t wait until Chrismas.
Love, Foster
I’m Glad you’re coming you are the Best Santa I’ve ever seen. I love your Elves they are so cute! The workshop is so big. I love it. Bye Santa I hope you have a Merry Christmas bye.
Love, Coltens
This year I have ben varey good. For Christmas I want V-books and Legos electric dirt bike.
Love, Ethan
What I want for christmas is … A Nerf ultra 1,2,3,4, and 5. I also want $23.39 and lego, Starwars, Pokemon, rollercoasters and Ninjogo legos. I also want a scateboard. It is o.k. if you don’t get them all I et least want one your choice.
Love, Wyatt
This year I would like a Barbie camper, a house and a the doll, Ivie. I would also like a a key chain. I would like a tablet.
Love, Edie
How are you? Happy Christmas. I would like to have a Louisville (block USSSA) Prime, Wilson A2000 (outfield glove), new shoes (under aurmer) Neft Ultra pharagh, X Shot rival, the Nerf Titan, and my two front teeth.
Love, Austin
I want a fitbit, a nother elf, hoverbord and a nintindo switch. I am in second grade We have began to do hard math, dificult reding and my favorite thing I have is my chrombook.
Thank you for every thing that you have given me.
Love, Grayson
For Christmas I want a Fornite nerf guns, Legos, money, dog, snake, lizard...
For for dad to not haf to go to work for a week and for my parents to get to have a vacashion.
Love, Britton
This year I really want an ifh 12 Nintindo, scutbord, hoverborad, case of crawns undmarkers, cumara film, pokemon car and selda gome, new christmas ordamont, dinsour book, for it to snow this Christmas.
For Christmas miricals for every one to have the best Christmas yet.
Love, Lyn
I want an Eltric Scooter, the wil Nintindow, Dog stuft animals, Film camra, shot and Cross Bow and a Duck stamp.
Love, Huntley
I want a RC car scooter and a Computer with a mouse.
Love, Bryce
I have been mostly good this year. Anyway how are you doing? I am doing great! I love it here in Tennssee. It’s amazing. Say hello to your elves and Mrs. Claus.
I would really like some new presents under the tree this year.
PS here is my list. Hover bourd, bike, Ipad or phone, erings, paddleboard for my mom, makeup.
Love, Josie
For Christmas I want some sanitzers please. I also want a bike and a new scooter. I want som lago’s. I also want some lip blom
Merry Christmas Santa!
Love, Catie
I want a happy ye dr and a soft blanket to share with my family. I want a lot of vbucks. Please give my brother a new bed so I can have his bunk bed.
Elfie is funny where he hides.
Love, Jackson
I’m Eva Chen. I’m 7 years old. I have been godo through the year. I help my mom clean the living room. I help mom pick beans, play with Leo.
I want my family to be healthy and I want a dress.
Love, Eva
Santa, I have made a lot of progress this year I have ben learning art, math, writing and reading and I am still practicing my reading and my writing and I am much better at art I use to get A-s no I get A+s.
Dear Santa now can I get my nerf gun to play with my dad?
Thank you santa!
Love, Brian
I hope your reindeer don’t get stuck in the snow or your sleigh slip off the snow or ice.
I’d like a surprise for Christmas and so would my little brother Adam.
Thank you!
Love, William
All I want for Christmas is power treads and the hot weels ultimate garage. I’ve been good all year!
From, Isaac
For Christmas can I please have nerf gun, one of your elves, a remote control car, a nintendo tech and a Ipad. Can you also please wake me up so that I can see Rudolph and the other reindeers. Last thing, can I please have 200 darts for my nerf gun please? Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyy Christmassssssssssssssssssssssss!
Love, Nqaba
Hey Santa, it’s me, Ethan. I’ve been good all year. I hope you would bring me a couple things. I want a virtual real game and set. I would also want some more stuff.
Here is what I want a Nintendo switch, a remot control car (blue), a blue electric scooter.
Love, Ethan
I whant a pet star that dusint glow a new pigy bank that is a bleu a pikcher of you a trolls 2 movy a aphnu cat plusy I what a burger plusy a crismas dog plusy and a new blew mermad plusy! Please? Love you.
Love, Courtney
Happy merry Christmas. This year I want a dirt bik please. I will be therey therey good.
And can I a cat nini please.
Love, Gabe
How are you doing what I wont for Christmas is dog and a hoverbord and a tablet for chistmas. Have a good chistmas.
Love, Ava
I hope you are having a great Christmas and I just wanted to tell you some things that I want for Christmas. One a TV. Two an Alexa. Three a sweat shirt. Four Covid 19 to go away for ever. (Five) my family.
Love, Emmy
May I have a triple gear bike. This note is for you. Merry Christmas Santa! I love you!
Love, Meja
I am doing good this year. I hope you are doing good to. One day Lucy did something weird, she made a path of our shoes! Yesterday she wrote us a note that said “Baby it is cold outside but I’m feeling toasty, and she was holding a peice of toast.
I really want chess and a watch, headlamp.
Merry Christmas, hope you make it to all the houses.
Love, Hudson
How are you doing today. I hope you are doing good. Can I pleas have a Amungus poster. I have been getting blue purple pink and rainbow 7 times. Can I also have a Apple phone. Merry chrismas!
Love, Jackson
How’s it going? I ‘m haven’ a great year! I would be even better if you got me all of the Super Mario lego sets, a skateboard and a black fuji-film camra.
Love, Reed
How are you? Are your elf okay? Please take good care of Rocky when he comes back. For Christmas a makeup kit, a Rainbow high doll, Lego friends animal rescue base, and a hover board.
Merry Christmas and good night to all.
Ho ho ho! And a happy New Year!
Love, Molly
How are you this year? I want an Lol and OMG surprise remix, an lol house and all OMG dolls and lol dolls, an Ameraken girl doll that looks like me, the who lset of Ameraken girl dolls set, and I really want my elf to come, a phone, a TV in my room at my dads house, an balans been, an gymnastic bar, an Intindo, a charger for my phone and ipad, a rose gold room at my moms house, a lot of poofy dresses, anther nauty elf from the north pole and a girl named Chloe!!!
Merry Christmas.
Love, Gracie
This is Darya how is it going in the North pole I’ve been good this year what I want for chrismas is Rainbow high doll her name is Violet and I want a yorky a real puppy also a new ipad and poekemon cards and LoL dolls and Barbie dolls. I want ryan toys even ryan eggs even ryan road trip game and ryan road trip chest maybe + I will give you a present.
Love, Darya
How is Buddy doing and is he coming to my house? Can I have a IPhone? I hope you have a marry Christmas. Good luck giving presits to the kids. Have a happy new year.
Love, Vivi
How are you doing? I wot a nwe fon.
I wot a nwe barby dream.
Love, Zarryah
I am trying to be very god. Phineous sent us a good deed list I have to do a chore with out being asked but I’m doing two more chores. I hve been drinking a lot of proteen shakes so I can get toller. I have been wanting a hourse, hamster and a art kit because I love animals and coloring. I also think you should put some lights on you reindeer’s horn. I also want a Phone. Merry Christmas. Thank you for the presents.
Love, Ansley
Merry Christmas Santa. Hi, Santa. What are you doing. Can I please have a animal peice puzzle a new water bottle a stylus pen pastels and cool art stuff a phone hover board masks. Neyon lights turtle keychains and I don’t now what els to ask for so you can surprise me. Merry Christmas Santa. I also, what a elf. Happy Christmas. Say hi to the elfs for me.
Love, Talia
How are you doing for crismis. I wuned a baby trider I bir wuting one because my old baby trider rideon 3 days befor crismis and I wuned sum now bed sheos with ross on it.
Love, Halle
My name is Leah. This year I was good because I helped my brother and my mom with the dishwasher. I want more makeup! I also want a kitten, a toy unicorn, a squishy unicorn and hatchimals. Last, I want a madel of you and Rudolph. Thanks for putting me on the nice list.
Love, Leah
My name is Lexi. This year I was nice to my friends. For Christmas I want two Frozen2 dolls that sing, a butterfly toy that can speak and a speaker that plays music.
Have a safe trip.
Love, Lexi
I want a How to Train Your Dragon toy shirt. I also want a Haw to Train Your Dragon watch please.
Love, Kylie
My name is Jordan. This year I helped set up the Christmas tree I had good behavior and I helped cook dinner too. I want Fortnite v-Bucks, a race car, football and a soccer ball.
Have a happy holiday.
Love, Jordan
My name is Alyssa. This year I’ve been very hard working. I want airpods, rain bow high and slime. I really want my baby sister to be born. Thank you for not putting me on the naughty list.
Love, Alyssa
My name is Dhanvi. This year I tried hard. I want a littlest pet shop toy. Merry Chirstmas!
Love, Dhanvi
My name is Camren. This year I have been very good. I want a robot and a pet dog for Christmas.
Love, Camren
My name is Alex. This year I helped my mom with the dishes. For Christmas I want lego star wars building sets and two lego Batman sets. I also want a trampoline.
Merry Christmas, Santa!
Love, Alex
My name is Elyssa. This year I have been really good. For Christmas I want an Elsa Costume, a light saver and a bike.
I love you Santa.
Love, Elyssa
My name is Riley. This year I helped my brother get all the decorations up the hill and in the livingroom. For Chritmas, I want a pogostick, hoverboard and a fish. I don’t know if I’m on the naughty list, but all is want is for you Santa to have a great Chistmas.
Love, Riley
My name is Georgia. This year I worked hard in school. For Christmas I want an Apple watch and a secret diary. I also want new glasses, yarn, jewelry and a teacher set.
Merry Christmas Santa.
Love, Georgia
My name is Lauren. This year I have ben very nice. I want a squishy unicorn, a kittn and Lol surpise. Merry Christmas.
Love, Lauren
My name is Stratton. This year em I on the nis list. I wont a nuty and that thing is a box of cors.
Love, Stratton
My name is Preston. This year I helped dad weedeat cleaned and power woshed. For chrishis, I wunt a gopro and a bow and arrow set. Hope you have a safe tri back to the North Pole.
Love, Preston
My name is Henry. This year I cleaned The up stairs. For Christmas I want a new black big backpack. Happy holidays.
Love, Henry
My name is Theo. This year I helped my parents clean the house. I want a toy spinosaurus that can move and a T rex toy that can roar. I also want the indoraptor Lego set and view mincraft sets. Thank you for not putting me on the naughty list.
Love, Theo
My name is Luci and this year I was nice. I want a candy kids dolly phone, unicorn, 200 LoL dolls, Jolry fansy stuf for grils.
Love, Luci
Hello! I feel like I have been good this year. I would like to ask for a pc, a Nintendo switch, a overwatch lego bastion set and bloonTD6 for Christmas please. I have been awesome at school I have been okay at home. We have 22 days before Christmas and December 22 is my brothers birthday. I am extremely excited about Christmas. Even though I don’t have a elf on the shelf and I don’t really belive in santa. I think it’s fun to pretend that he is real. And I love the Christmas songs because last year I sang some of the songs. I do belive in elf, though. I feel like I will be good next year. I think that Christmas is super awesome.
Love, Isaac
Hello! I feel like I have been good this year. I would lik to ask for a new teddy a lol doll, a big teddy bear and more dolls and a cure dress and boats for Chrismas please. I have been good at school. I have been doing good at home. My elf is awesome thank you for giving us that elf. Love you santa hope you have a good time my elf is doing good at are house. Shes a very good at hiding thanks for giving us presents you’re the best santa love you!
Love, Emmy
Hello! I feel like I have been good this year. I would like to ask for a phone, bofgob and a dart bike, and a ckompoor a nawpont foo my xbox conchlr for Christmas please. I have been good at school. I have been good at home. The Elw are kide of funy.
Love, Solomon
Hello! I feel like I been nice this year. I would ask for a gaming computer, pokemon cards, fornite and mincraft dongunes for Christmas please. I been nice at school. I have beenn ice at home. Mabey I should be a better child then I am right now. You work hard to make presents for the nice people. The naghty people don’t deserve presents!
If I was you I would be teaching the elvs how to make presents.
Love, Isaac
Hello! I feel like I’ve been 5 star rateing this year. I would like to ask for a pet bunny, a new pet puppy and a new born kitten and a stuffed pink animal for chritsmas please. I have been good at school. I’ve been good at home
Love, Emma
Hello! I feel like I have been good this year. I would like to ask for some legos and a phone for Chrismas pleas. I have been good at school I have been good at home. I like Suger Cookie She has been eerily nice. She has been rely funny. I’m glad she is my elf.
Love, Avery
Hello I feel like I have ben excellent this year. I would like to ask for something that my alexa can control, bike, helment and a board game for Christmas please. I have been good at school. I have been good at home. My grades are A E E E E E E at school. I’m very good at home and everywere. I don’t have an elf I don’t want one. My sister’s name is Eden. She is doing good.
Love, Parker
Hello! I feel like I have been grat this year. I would like to ask for a elf and a dall and a soft blanket and a grat griel for Christmas pleas. I have been good at school. I have been asom at home.
Love, Kate
Hello! I feel like I have been relly good this year. I would like to ask for a snack and sara baby alive and a baby reborn with brown hair and a lol doll house for Chrismas please. I have been relly good at school. I have been relly good at home. I have been getting relly good grads. I relly love crutus and clara and cory they are very good at not moving. I can’t wait until Chrismas Eve. I have been waching movies about you.
Love, Skylar
Hello! I feel like I have been good this year. I would like to ask for my family to have a good Christmas for Christmas please. I have been great at school. I have been awsome at home. Guess what I want to clean my house everyday of the month after school and home work. Thank you for presents every Christmas. Thank you for that but I have another Christmas list and you can get me that if you want to. I don’t care. I love you.
Love, Avery
hello! I feel like I have been nice this year. I would like to ask for a acshonfider robot, kite and a toy Mario for chritmas please. I have been good at school I have been good at home. My elf is very sneky he got into the hot chockleat.
Love, Jacobi
I feel like I have been good this year. I would like to ask for a romot cuntrle car, a house that I fin in like a rell house but a toy that I fit in, a car that I fit in that it can go on hills, and Christmas pejamas for my mom, dad, me and my birather for Chritmas please. I have been good at school. I have been good at home.
Love, Wilmer
Hello! I feel like I have been good this year I would like to ask for Pokemon cards Pokemon cards Pokemon cards and Pokemon cards for Chistmas please. I have been good at home. I have been fantastic at school.
Love, Vuong
Hello! I feel like I have been good this year. I would like to ask for a Na Na Na surprise, and a LoL surprise, and a cat a real cat and it is cute, and I want that for Christmas please. I have been good at school. I have been good at home too.
Love, Aria
Hello! I feel like have been nice this year I would like to ask for a box of crafts, a ginger bread house, stuffed animal raindeer and a stuffed animal dog for Christmas please. I have been helping in school and at home. All my grades have been A’s and E’s. I’m realy sorry when Chipy got touched a lot last Christmas.
Love, Kaleesi
I ting I’ve in the mindel and can I have coal. At school I’ve bin noty. I’ve been good at home.
Love, Levi
Dear Santa. Hello: I feel like I haxc in gud this yer I wud lik yag fot mune and toy and toy some toy for crismis. Ples I in off a ingyc god oltwclin oxdin gud old hom in dcdin ond.
Love, Lane
Hello! I feel like I have been good this year. I would like to ask for a Mario stufy doll and mittens. for Christmas please. I have been good at school. I have been good at home.
Love, Ethan
Hello! I feel like I have been happy this year. I would like to ask for my coucin to get a big big thing for Christmas please. I have been ok at school. I have been nice at home.
I can’t bleve I a’m doing this!
Love, Seth
Hello! I feel like I wante to be a ink fox I feel I have been good I want for chrismesis a ink pond.
Love, Bailee
I really want a hamster. This is my mom’s phone number (omitted) so she can make shore it’s ok. I want a slime kit. I want harshes choclote I want apple laptop. I want a white hang chair. a golden bell to ring.
Love, Bella
Pcg Sdc ppusl BolymbrleD
Love, Carson
Im Aurora nice to meet you santa I’m so happy its going to be cristmas soon!! I will like a tatte tail and a watin gun and candy dolls Baby life for AnnA Santa I wish you will fill my hart with Good elfs and they are working hard santa I wish that you can be the Best Santa ever I santa I wish to be an the good list AnnA has been nice Right santa.
Love form Aurora
I relly want a pet my dad is alergetit to cats and dogs so I was wondering if I could have a pet fish. Can you bring a fish in your sack? I love you! You bring joy to the WHOLE world!
Love, Tinsley Bowsher
I wont a witherstorm I wont a endermun I wont my verle mincraft story mode T.v. case
I wont a endergrayon. I wont tocoet
I wont a wither and ca copiutr with a pusworld, toy or stofy.
Love, Eli
My name is Landon I go to Farugut Primary school. I just wonder how do you get all those presents down chimnees in one night all over the world?
How much elves do you have?
How do you not get full eating all those cookies and drinking all that milk? Do you have an enemy? Do you have a village?
How did you become Santa Clause? Were in the North Pole do you live? Do you have how much raindeer.
Love, Landon
My name is Meridian. Can I have a science experiments, straplies dress,
straplies shrt, hiyhelsej mackupe – rantjdeysshado eyelasis lipstik nale polsh – phone, hand sanitiser, LOL, slime, 200 dolers,
Love Meridian
HI I’m Sofia I’m seven what is it like in the northpole? Tell the elves there the Best you are too!! Merry Christmas.
Love, Sofia
I hope you have a great trip for the people who were good this year. And tell roodof I said hi and all of yore other rander. I wont hi to. I wold like some chow toys for my dogs. I will make you some verry good cookies. Merry christmas!
Love, Neely
For christmas I want a gun rac nurf guns nurt bullets and a christmas pillow cace and bed covers and pocemon cards.
Love, Mason, F.P.S.
Hi my name is Emma. I am in second grade. My teecher is Mrs. Ray she’s fun. Thx for the present’s I’m seven and about to turn aeght. Am I on the good list.
I want a pup!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Emma
This is Ava leen Faye Wenning. I am 7 years old and I go to Farrugit primary
School I would like makeup for Christmas and socks and unduwere for Christmas
and dresses an a bonsy Ball and a
winter coat and I want people to love
each other.
Love, Ava
Blw has ben willy silly. I wut a itidos swixch. I wut emything rilly. Scooll for a mared gilr doll. and more mared glr doll.
Love, Paisley
I know your busy but if you have a little time for what I want for chirstmas. What I want for chirstmas is a tobi watch. I’ve been asking for one but no one would listen.
I hope you would. So I would like a tobi watch.
Love, Lilia
My name is Rodas my school is
Farragut Primary Christmas is coming so what I want a Ps5 Pc monitor and Pc
apple watch iphone pro max. Another thing
I wonder Santa is on what list am I on
if I did something bad Im sorry.
i mean it.
Love Rodas
My name is Harrison. This christmas I want an cps5 (Head set) crane bow keybords (Dog) (gaming chairs c gaming Tennessee Roam)
Love, Harrison
this crismis I wunt my mom and dad to have a grat crismis and my bruthrs to have a grat chrismis to that is wunt I wunt the most.
Love, Emily
These are things that I want for Christmas: a Nintendo Switch, a Nerf Ultra 5, Hexbug Junk Bots, and a new stuffed animal.
Love, Eddie
You duw so much for us
You are the best i want to duw something nice to you you can till me wat to duw.
Love, Zoe
If I’ve bin bad I hope I can canj that by being good the rest of the year and I’m going to rite a song for you on a pese of paper and send it to you and I hope that will canje everything and have a Merry Christmas and a very good one.
Love, Summer
What I want for chrismas is. A electric scooter. A new basket ball. A Shark watch. And a flip book kit. And a classic nintendo watch.
Love, Harrison
this is what I want Christmas. First, I want some short sleeve shirts. Next, I like legos, so I want some lego sets. Then, I would like a new video game. I don’t know what though. Next, I want a lot of candy.
Then, I would a relly good mike.
I would also like some new books. Next, I would like a active board with a pen. I also would like a nice hiking stick.
Love, Jackson
I warnt baribes and babys and hachmals, a makeup set, some toys.
Santa thank you for giving us presents under the tree.
Love, Audrina
You are the Best bedause you give me presents and your nice you care adout us.
Love, Anastasi
I have been a very good kid this year. I would like to w rite to you what I want for Christmas. I would like a Barbie ambulance. A vet set. Last I would like a Barbie having a baby set.
Love, Eloise
I want a seatle seahawks football costum and a dadden. Last I want percy Jackson and the Olympians complet set. Santa I think I have been a good boy.
Love, Hunter
I want a tchodate and a romote cotroll toy robot.
This year I know you will give children great presents you always always put smiles on the childrens faces. Thank you so much for giving us presents and if you wouldn’t mind getting my dogs Reble and Rowdy some treats and dog toys and them some cute and cunfey beds. Thank you for all the presents you have brought us.
Love, Giana
I am doing well. How rae you today? Am I on the nice list? Do you have a snowball fight? Happy holidays.
Love, Lucy
I want a series of the diary of the wimpy kid. I w ant a black an wight hoverbord. I want a new amazon fire. I last want surprises.
Love, Nelson
You are a good Santa.
What I want for Christams is a drone that comes with a remote, and a big ginger read house to make. Also I been good.
Love , Alexa
I want a Alvin Kamara football jersey and a New Orleans Saints football helmet. I also want a camoflage Wilson football.
I want a new pair of footoball cleets, and new shoes. I also want a pair of football gloves. I also want a mini Saints football helmet. I wan a New Orleans Saint football hoodie. I also want a dirt bike. I also want a Drew Brez football jersey.
I also want a New Orlean Saints football.
Love, Max
I want a toy car. I want a model car, too.
Love, Gio
You are the bets person Because you are nice and you give. For christmas I would like a phonee. Thank you.
Love, Drew
for Christmas I would like a pink watch with purple buttons that has games and can also tell time I am haveing a fun year and I am doing good and haveing fun with my friend’s my favorite holidy is Christmas
I hope you have a good and fun Christmas I will also try to.
Love, Della,
What are you doing? I bet the elves have made a lot of presents this year. I want a Nintendo game and kinetic sand and a Lego set.
Love, Carter
All I want for Christmas is my mom and dad not to have to work so hard at work and that my brother gets through virtual school. I love you Santa.
Love, Izzy
I have been a good boy this year. May I please have a minecraft please? We are going to make some cookies for you.
Love, Cole
Can you tell my elf to do something funny this year? Also, I want a balloon that looks like a bubble and make it where I can fit in it. Also, I want a Lego set.
Love, Olivia
How have you been? Have you been working hard? I want a Lego pirate ship for Cristmas. How has Mrs. Claus been? Thank you.
Love, Eleanor
I wish for arafela kids watch that waterproof, and I’ll write another letter and I’ll tell you more
Love, Elijah
I would like the American girl doll Joss and Juily’s stuff. I would like girl legos.
Do you feed your reindeer or do your elves do it?
Thank you for every thing you do. It is 3 weeks before christmas so I know you are busy.
Love, Caroline
Can I get an Ameaican girl doll camping-set and a Nintendo Switch. I think this- Christmas is going to be great Christmas.
Love, Magnolia
WhatI want for christmas is a ps5 and a xbox for christmas and a computer so please get and if you do I will be happy.
Love, Jayden
What I want for Christmas is my Baba for 1 day because he passed away and for my mommy’s life to be easy and 1 more thing is for my dad a new computer.
Love, Nora
How are you? I’m great. I want you to stop Covid-19 if you can. And can you get my family great presents? And can I have a Nintendo Switch, a real alive pet dog, and Hatchimals.
Love, Clara
I want Pictionary Air for Christmas. What is it like living in the North Pole? How do you carry so many presents in your sleigh. Did any fall out?
Love, Alex
I would like a fish that would not get eaten by a double tale male Betta fish a I would also like Angus to do something funny. I would also want you to surprise me with a big toy. One more thing I want to ask you something, Can I get anathor elf an the shelf?
Love, Addie
I want a Lego Millenium Falcon and m own dog named Snowy. I want a hoverboord and a Nrf gun. Are you making a lot of presents?
Love, Mason
I think it is realy cod at the North Pole. Also, where do you keep the reindeer and Rudolph?
Love, Rob
I hope I have a wonderful Christmas. I hope I get what I wish for. Let my family get what they wish for. Let my dog get a lot of Christmas treats. How do you get reindeer to fly?
I love you Santa!
Love, Savannah
What I would like for Christmas is all the Avengers and Ninjago Lego sets. But no pressure!
Love, Zach
How old are you? Are you magical? When were you born? Do you like nuts? I would like a pogo stick? Can you give me a elf?
Love, Bedila
I want a new iPad and a Super Smash Bros. How old is my elf on the slelf? My brother wants Jiu Jitsu, How old are you? What is your favorite color. Please give my dad a new boat!
Love, Davidson
This yaer, I want mgigg tree house 23,a flout and a science kit pleaes t thank you. Merry christmas
Love, Grettal, 6
I would like a ploroud camra I w ould alsoe like a rubber band kit for making rubber band bracelets. I love Christmas. I love getting and giving presents. Merry christmas.
Love, Eva
I want for christmas is a gymnastic bar and bals ben and a dog and say I said hi to Mrs. laus.
Love, Kinsley
This year I wont a boy beagle real puppy, hover board, new ipad with lots of storage.
P.S. all I want for cristmas is a real boy beagle a do not have to get me those things all I want is a real boy beagle puppy pls
Love, Hailey
What I want for Christmas is 13.225k v bucks and a robux and a Mooky betts t.sirt and a new santa hat and a new roodot toy and the new x box anda big been bag and a new basball bat and a durt bike and a pig bar.
Love, Greyson
I would really like a Ps4 for Christmas tell jingle I said hi. The elf. I will try to give you the homeade cookies this year. There pretty good I’ll tell Dad not to eat your cookies. I really really hope you like almen milk because that is all we have. Please write me buck Marry Christmas
Love, Raylan
I want a tragilen and the new nitindo and 1,0000 dolres glss and Isaac wants a computer.
Love, Andrew
I want LoL doll and puppy and LOL doll tow hansand tisrs a book and a mack and for my family to have Agar crimis.
Love, Dixie
Can I have a mini sofa that folds into a bed. A Baby sitters Little sitters karens witch, some Green and blue markers? I also want a L.O.L.4 in one glamper that is the new coler. The whole series of the Unicorn Priensses books, A Friends Airplane and Tree house Lego, a Aladin Lego set, a dog that barks and is big enogh to run and walk, And a tobi robot smart waeth that is blue please? I will also want so sandels that is size 3 or 2, and lst can I have a map of all the states, cities, and continets please.
Love, Rena
I want a havr bored and a shark bite Rod blox set and some Lego sets for 20+, and a phone case for my phone I also want a raser scoter and who is book series. I also wnt crazy Aaron, patty and a coffie cup for my mom and dad. p.s. I want Fortnigt mony.
Love, Logan
For Christmas, I would like to have a skate borad and something about dinosaur, bones and sharh teeth. I’m not picky about the dinosaur bones.
I also want a stuffed animal I don’t care about what animal it is. My mom already has all the Christmas trees and all most all of them are decarated. I miss you and Buddy my elf. My sisters and I want to have the Artic fox elf pet if that is okay with you.
Love, Olivia
This Chrsitimas I want wockytalkys so I can talk to my friends and family. I also want a lot of candy in my stoking, but I will brush my teeth. I want one big Lego set too. I want a new jewl cat cear headband because mine broke. Have a Merry Christmas!
Love, Ainsley.