KCSO reports

• At 11:44 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 20, a Knox County Sheriff’s Office unit responded to a Vista Terrace Way residence in regard to a possible burglary. Victim/complainant said about 2 a.m., Saturday morning, Dec. 19, something woke her up, but she was unsure what it was. She advised she fell back asleep, and the next day she noticed some items missing from her apartment. Total value of loss was listed at $240. Victim/complainant noticed some scratches on her door, but was unsure if forced entry was made or if scratches were from a key.

Markings on her door did not appear to be from any forceful entry. She also noticed a tear in her nightgown that was in the living room. Victim/complainant said she is going through a bad divorce and thinks her soon-to-be ex-husband may have had something to do with it.

• At 2:09 p.m., Dec. 19, a KCSO unit was dispatched to Farragut High School, 11237 Kingston Pike, in regards to a criminal trespass investigation. Officer reported making contact with suspect/arrestee standing by the baseball field on school property.

Suspect was reluctant to provide her information. When directed to move to her vehicle, suspect began to walk away. When officer attempted to restrain the suspect, she pulled away. Officer drew his Taser X26P and gave verbal commands to the suspect to turn around and then place her hands behind her back. She refused to comply. The suspect took what the officer reported was “an aggressive stance” and stated, “I’ll f--- you up, I have one too,” and placed her hand in her back pocket. Officer reported giving the suspect more verbal commands to show her hands, but the suspect began to flee on foot.

Officer deployed his Taser and the suspect subsequently went to the ground and was taken into custody. AMR arrived on scene to remove the Taser probes from the arrestee. Arrestee was transported to Roger D. Wilson Detention Facility.

Officer made contact with Donald Dodgen, FHS athletic director/complainant, who advised the arrestee had been on the school’s track and in the batting cage on the baseball field, and was asked to leave the property several times but refused to do so.

• On Friday, Dec. 18, a KCSO unit responded to a Hickory Wood Road residence in reference to a burglary. Upon arrival, officer made contact with the victim. Walker stated she was away from her house today and used her phone to check her cameras.

She stated that while viewing the video, she observed her step-daughter and her two children in victim’s home. She stated she does not know how they entered the home, adding that while in the home suspect took two tableclothes. Victim is not sure if anything else is missing at the time of this report. Walker said she was unable to download the video but will contact ADT to provide a copy. Value of loss was listed at $20.

• At 3:26 p.m., Dec. 18, a complainant called called KCSO to file a report on a vandalism at an Oran Road residence. She advised an unknown suspect knocked down her mailbox with an unknown object. Total value of loss was listed at $150.

• At 9:07 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 15, a complainant called KCSO Teleserve Unit to report a theft at a Port Charles Drive residence. Complainant advised she received an e-mail from what appeared to be a friend requesting gifts cards in the amount of $400 to be sent to them.

She advised after having sent the gift card numbers she contacted her friend, who informed her she had not sent any e-mail.

Knox County Sheriff’s Office Reports is a weekly feature courtesy of KCSO officials who submit reports as received from officers in Zone 401, which is Farragut and West Knox County.