Farragut Parks & Rec offers two new fitness programs

Farragut 40
This event, originally scheduled last year, continues celebrating the Town’s four-decade “birthday” which was officially commemorated in 2020.
The Town’s Parks & Athletics Council is offering the program, which is designed to encourage residents to not only remember the Town’s founding, but also celebrate its many outdoor offerings by using its 16 miles of greenway and trails.
Participants tracking 40 miles of walking, running or biking between now and March 26 will earn prizes and be eligible for a $100 gift card.
“The program is a great way for Farragut residents to get or stay active, as well as an incentive to explore the Town’s beautiful public spaces,” Parks & Recreation director Sue Stuhl said.
Originally planned for last year’s milestone anniversary, “Farragut 40” was postponed very early amid the pandemic.
“It was scheduled to have stated in March. When everything shut down it didn’t happen,” Carisa Ownby, Town media/tourism assistant, said.
“Now, with outdoor activities being stressed and limitations on indoor activities, it seemed like a great time to have it.”
Participants can begin tracking mileage the day they register. To register, visit townoffarragut.org/register or call 865-218-3376.
‘Hide and Seek’
Described by Parks and Recreation staff as a “fun way for families to spend time in Farragut’s parks,” Hide and Seek with the Admiral begins Monday, Feb. 1, and will take place in all four Town parks: McFee, Mayor Bob Leonard Park, Founders Park at Campbell Station and Anchor Park
Parks & Rec employee Bryson Keith, who regularly portrays Town namesake Admiral David Glasgow Faragut, lends his smiling face to a number of tags, which will be located throughout each park.
Participants are asked to find the tags and record the numbers on printed maps (available at http:///farragutparksandrec.org/hideandseek), then drop them off at Farragut Community Center (239 Jamestowne Blvd.) for a chance to win a $10 Dairy Queen gift card. Ten winners will be chosen from entries with all 20 tag locations.
Parks & Athletics coordinator Lauren Cox has worked to come up with activities during the pandemic that encourages usage of Town amenities.
“It’s been challenge throughout COVID to offer programming that’s fun and safe, but cold weather makes it even harder,” she said. “The good news is that even during the winter months, we typically have some nice weather that brings people out to our parks and greenways,”
For more information about Town programs and offerings you can visit farragutparksandrec.org.