National nursing award for Skinner

Nurses at CHS facilities, which number about 90 locations/hospitals across the organization, were nominated by their peers for this prestigious award, which recognizes the critical role nurses play in treating patients, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I have worked with Andrea for several years, and she is one of the most caring and compassionate nurses I have ever known,” said Vickie Hiltibran, RN, director of nursing at Turkey Creek Medical Center, who nominated Skinner for the honor. “She exemplifies compassionate care — not only to her patients and their families, but also to her coworkers.”
Skinner has been with the health system (Baptist/St. Mary’s/Tennova) for 29 years and has been a nurse at TCMC since 2018.
“Our profession is better because of her contributions,” Hiltibran said. “And our community is blessed to have such a kind, compassionate and loving mentor who is an example of God’s grace here on earth.”