‘Step Back in Time’
Inaugural Farragut History Walk

“Spring is the perfect time to enjoy Farragut’s unique history while strolling through the heart of Town,” said Wendy Smith, Farragut Public Relations coordinator.
The walk is about 1.7 miles.
“I’m guessing that it would take a couple of hours to walk and read the signs at Founders Park and Ralph McGill Plaza, and you could easily spend another hour or two at the museum and cemetery,” Smith said.
“We look forward to getting feedback from the community,” Farragut Tourism coordinator Karen Tindal said. “We’ve wanted to put together a history walk for some time, since Farragut has a good bit of local history within a relatively small area.
”The renovated Campbell Station Inn and the historic markers at the plaza gave us an additional site to add to the list, and that’s what finally made it happen,” she added.
“A new section of sidewalk at the intersection of Campbell Station Road and Concord Road makes it easier for pedestrians to enjoy the cemetery. One day, we’ll be able to add the Red Mill Dam site to the walk, and that will be really exciting. But for now, I think residents and visitors alike will enjoy taking a spring history stroll in Farragut.”
The public may pick up a Farragut History Walk map from the brochure holder on the Heritage Trail sign, which is located at the turnaround at Founders Park at Campbell Station, and “learn more about the town’s interesting past,” Tindal said.
Additionally, a PDF version of the map is available at visitfarragut.org/plan-a-visit-farragut.
Smith said the walk includes four educational sites: the Heritage Trail with interpretive signage at Founders Park, Campbell Station Inn, Mayor Ralph McGill Plaza, the Farragut Museum/Admiral Farragut Plaza and Pleasant Forest Cemetery.
“Keep in mind that the Farragut Museum is currently open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Thursday,” she added.
Parking along the trail is available at Founders Park, Farragut Community Center or Farragut Town Hall.