Melissa Hart’s kindergarten students took highest honors as the “Top Pledging” class. - Photos courtesy of Lorna Keeton/CCS or by Michelle Hollenhead
Siblings Abe Eckles, right, and Abby Lou Eckles, left, along with Riley Shannon, who is catching a ride. - Photos courtesy of Lorna Keeton/CCS or by Michelle Hollenhead
Fourth-grade students from Scott Graham’s class prepare to storm the soccer fields. - Photos courtesy of Lorna Keeton/CCS or by Michelle Hollenhead
Kindergarteners David Akers, right, and Solomon Brown enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. - Photos courtesy of Lorna Keeton/CCS or by Michelle Hollenhead
Brooklyn Smith, pictured with her proud mom, Melanie Smith, said she ran 76 laps during the fundraiser. - Photos courtesy of Lorna Keeton/CCS or by Michelle Hollenhead
CCS employees Shannon Beal, left, and Angela Thaller were among those cheering on the students. - Photos courtesy of Lorna Keeton/CCS or by Michelle Hollenhead
A 7th grade student took part in the afternoon’s “colorful” fun. - Photos courtesy of Lorna Keeton/CCS or by Michelle Hollenhead
Sixth-grader Hunter Daws shows his national pride and event enthusiasm. - Photos courtesy of Lorna Keeton/CCS or by Michelle Hollenhead
March 18, 2021 by
The afternoon of Thursday, Feb. 25, was a warm and sunny one when Concord Christian School held its inaugural “Fun Run” on campus, which raised more than $40,000 for new STEM carts for the school. More than 400 students in grades kindergarten-through-eighth participated in the run, which was coordinated in partnership with Boosterthon.
“STEM carts will afford our elementary and middle school students unique opportunities to actively participate and apply science and mathematical concepts in engaging ways,” said Lorna Keeton, CCS director of Marketing and Development.