farragutpress Easter Coloring Contest

With categories for all age groups from age 4 and up, anyone can win a prize and get their picture published in farragutpress.
You can cut out the page from this week's paper or download a pdf of the coloring page here: farragutpress 2021 Easter Coloring Contest.
Entries will be judged on a basis of originality and creativity. Decisions of the judges are final. Prizes awarded: 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each category. Winners will be selected in five categories: Ages 4-5, Ages 6-8, Ages 9-11, Adults 12-112 and Special Needs.
No entries will be accepted for judging after 4 p.m. EST on Thursday, March 25, 2021.
Mail or deliver your entry to: farragutpress, 11863 Kingston Pk., Farragut, TN 37934.
Thank you for participating!