Strategic Plan updates mulled over by BOMA
In anticipation of budget season, and just weeks after holding its annual day-long retreat, Farragut’s Board of Mayor and Aldermen adopted minor updates to its Strategic Planning framework during a recent regular bi-monthly meeting.
The move marked the first time the Strategic Plan was adopted and tweaked prior to the budget process, a move made to improve the Town’s strategic planning process, of which the budget plays a major role.
“We adopted our first Strategic Plan in 2010, and updated that in 2017 with Novak Consulting Firm,” Town administrator David Smoak said.
A list of seven critical success factors, which (before BOMA discussion made a few slight changes] included:
• Providing excellent parks, recreation, cultural amenities and programs;
• Building and maintaining the Town’s infrastructure and assets;
• Enhancing the Town’s financial position;
• Regional leadership and collaboration;
• Advancing a high-quality built environment;
• Supporting and caring for a committed workforce; and
• Promoting a convenient retail and services destination.
“One last thing I want to add,” Povlin said. “It will be a conversation we are going to want to have, from a (Capital Investment Program) standpoint, and also with the (Farragut Municipal) Planning commission, under ‘Priority Initiatives for Advancing a High-Quality Built Environment,’” as she strongly advocated adding a viable traffic mitigation solution for Grigsby Chapel Road.