Meeting EPA ‘drinking water goals,’ FUD earns certificate

= TDEC awarded the utility district with a certificate recognizing its success in meeting program goals for its performance managing disinfection byproducts. The program is part of the EPA’s Area-Wide Optimization Program, an initiative administered in Tennessee by TDEC’s Division of Water Resources.
“The First Utility District of Knox County has earned this recognition with its commitment to clean drinking water and quality service,” Greg Young, deputy commissioner of TDEC, said. “We are pleased to honor its team for its hard work in this area.
“At the end of the day we all want clean water, not just for ourselves but for our neighbors, our friends and our families,” Young added. “TDEC is a resource in this effort, not just a regulator, and we are happy to have played a role in helping the First Utility District of Knox County achieve its goals.”
FUD is one of Tennessee’s largest water and wastewater utility districts, serving more than 36,500 customers. Its staff engages in public outreach by attending schools and other public events to educate customers about water quality.