The Johnson family — which had 14 children — was represented by, seated from left, David Johnson, Class of ’63; Richard Johnson, Class of ’64; and Warren Johnson, Class of ’67. Standing, from left, are Richard Cox and his wife, Kathleen Johnson Cox, both Class of ’60; Jim Jackson, Class of ’55, and his wife, Joyce Johnson Jackson, Class of ’56; and Warren’s wife, Karen Sizemore Johnson, Class of ’70. - Photos by Michelle Hollenhead
Paul Casteel, left, Class of ’54, and Joe Waldroop, Class of ’53. - Photos by Michelle Hollenhead
Noted area historian Malcolm Shell, left, and former classmate Jane Walker Black, both from the Class of ’56. - Photos by Michelle Hollenhead
Wayne Smathers, left, Class of ’64 and Gail Armstrong, Class of ’59. - Photos by Michelle Hollenhead
The Hall family is typically well-represented, and didn’t disappoint this year. Pictured are siblings Bettye Hall Humbert, seated left, Class of ’47 (one of the oldest alums attending Saturday), and, standing from left, Earl Hall, Class of ’56; Jerry Hall, Class of ’58; Ken Hall, Class of ’54; and Charles Hall, Class of ’49. Seated right is the siblings’ niece, Linda McKinley, Class of ’64. - Photos by Michelle Hollenhead
From left are Doug Horne, Class of ‘63, Judy Sewell Herbert, Class of ’59, and John Huskey, Class of ’59. - Photos by Michelle Hollenhead
From left, Sue Sumner Goodman, Class of ’64, former Farragut Middle School history teacher Frank Galbraith, Class of ’59 and Betty Blackburn, Class of ’60. - Photos by Michelle Hollenhead
Jay Beeler, Class of 1976. - Photos by Michelle Hollenhead
From left, Phil Kirby, Class of ’66, Mona Smith, Class of ’62 and Tom Cook, Class of ’61. - Photos by Michelle Hollenhead
Kathleen Johnson Cox, left, Class of ’60 and Helen Northern, Class of ’52. - Photos by Michelle Hollenhead