Changing lives with restored hearing: HearingLife

For more than a decade, Tiffany Truelove had resgned herself to living with hearing loss.

The former hairstylist had even changed careers “because I could not hear my clients,” said the 33-year-old Decatur resident, who believes her issues began following a serious car accident in her teens.

“A lot of my clients thought I was being rude if I didn’t answer them,” she added. “I just couldn’t hear them. It just broke my heart, but I decided to find another job, working with animals since they don’t talk back.”

It was through a fellow co-worker at Sweetwater Animal Hospital, where Truelove works as kennel manager, that she was able to find help.

“A lady had just started working there and she saw me struggling, especially during the pandemic, when everyone had to wear masks,” she said. “I knew I probably could use hearing aids, but they were so expensive. I’m a mom of two, and it’s always more important for me to make sure they have what they need before worrying about myself.

“But my co-worker pulled me aside and said she knew (Farragut resident and audiologist) Dr. Bobbie McCue, and just knew she could help me.”

McCue, who operates HearingLife at 11121 Kingston Pike, Suite B, in Farragut, did more than help. Through her company she nominated Truelove to be considered to receive free hearing aids, and they found out earlier this year she, indeed, had been selected.

“We have a ‘Campaign for Better Hearing’s Give Back Program,’ which donates $1 for every hearing assessment our company performs under its complementary ‘Test Your Ears at 60 Years’ program,’” McCue explained. “We are allowed to nominate clients who need hearing aids but can’t afford them, and I’m just thrilled that the lady I nominated got picked.

“It was certainly a case of everything falling into place at just the right time.”

McCue fitted Truelove with her new hearing aids in early June, and it has been a “wonderful” adjustment for the young mom. “It has opened up a whole new world for me,” she said during a phone interview. “I can hear everyone now. I’m at a pool right now, and before, I would’ve had to walk away to hear the call — but not anymore.

“I’m also not afraid to take my girls to the park now because I can hear them and not be afraid I can’t,” Truelove added. “I also couldn’t go through drive-throughs before ... but I can even go thorough the dad-gum drive-through.

“People just don’t know how much they take for granted. Just the other night, I sat outside for four hours just listen-ing to the cicadas. People complain about the noise, but I just let them chirp away — it was like magic.”

“I really get to know my patients and see how much being able to hear changes their lives,” McCue said.

While the program is geared toward individuals age 60 and older, McCue said “it’s never too early to have a person’s hearing tested.”

For more information, contact McCue at 865-392-9559 or via e-mail at