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• I hate masks, they’re annoying, but so is wearing long pants on a hot, humid day. What’s important is that they help reduce the transmission of COVID; they aren’t perfect, but they help. Isn’t it worth enduring a little discomfort and inconvenience for the sake of our community, for the sake of our children? When did we become such a chorus of whiners? Being told to wear a mask is not a big deal; it’s not onerous or an infringement on your freedom. Tennessee is the Volunteer State; we pride ourselves on giving to, and sacrificing for, our country and our community. Wearing a mask isn’t such an awful thing to endure, and it helps. One can argue whether it helps a lot or a little, but it helps protect our fellow Tennesseans, especially our children. Stop whining, suck it up, wear the (expletive) mask and get the vaccine — let’s be done with COVID.
• I would just like to thank the Town of Farragut and all of its departments and staff for putting on such a wonderful event (annual Fun With Farragut’s Fleet) this past Saturday out at (Mayor) Bob Leonard Park. It was the opportunity for our young kids to see trucks up-close and personal; all types of trucks, from cement mixers to fire trucks, and police cars, motorcycles and the Town’s equipment. A wonderful opportunity for the kids to climb on board, sit in seats and see these machines up-close and personal. I want to thank the staff and thank all the employees who participated in this. Everybody was very friendly, very forthcoming, answering questions and allowing kids to kind of climb around things in a safe manner. Thank you again, it was a wonderful event.
• I read with interest last week in the Presstalk talking about the cut-through road from Brookmere into Kingsgate. I drove by there this morning and I was stunned: were variances given to do this because it looks like setbacks were violated for both of the houses next to this road? I have no understanding of why this road is here. I was told by someone who lives in Kingsgate that one of the homes — the one to the right of the road — … is being rented out. The driveway is so short it barely holds the length of the car. I would like to know if variances were given on this. It seems very odd.
(Editor’s Note: Farragut Municipal Planning Commission approved a variance and easement for this project Feb. 21, 2019)
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