With daughter on hand from Indianapolis, Curry celebrated for 13

Her last day was Friday, Aug. 20, but she was treated to a going-away reception Thursday, Aug. 12, prior to the Board of Mayor and Alderman’s regular meeting.
“It’s just time,” she said, adding the last year helped her realize, “life is too short and I need to be enjoying it with my grandchildren.”
Altogether, Curry said she had worked in the HR field “for 30 years.”
One well-wisher was Judy Housley, who also retired earlier this year from Public Entity Partners, which provides risk management products and services to municipalities —including Farragut.
“I think the world of her,” said Housley, who also worked with Curry when she was with the City of Gatlinburg. “She did an amazing job in Gatlinburg, and has done great for Farragut, too.
“I always like people who make things better,” she added.
Curry’s daughter, Renee Curry of Indianapolis, also attended the reception.
“I had to tell her a little fib, about needing a get-a-way, but really I wanted to be here for her,” Renee said.
“Janet has been great for the Town of Farragut,” Town administrator David Smoak said. “She was always level headed, and good at what she does.
“She will be missed.”
During her last week, Curry was scheduled to train her replacement, Michelle Pence, according to Smoak.