New York couple brings Zelvin Security to Town

The Atkinsons moved last month to Farragut and soon will open in their Renaissance office, 12748 Kingston Pike D106, once it is built out. Until then, Lisa, also a consultant with Zelvin, said they are serving customers virtually.
“Our office build-out is in the planning stages,” she added.
“We’re very excited to be in the community here,” Jeffory said.
Zelvin Security, which has been operating since 2002, is a cyber security company that serves customers all over the United States in the commercial sector — retail operations, financial institutions, medical and health care, manufacturers — and some municipalities, utilities, schools and non-profit organizations.
“Business customers are worried about a cyber attack, so we help them sleep better at night by uncovering what their risks might be,” Lisa said.
“They hire us to emulate an attacker in the wild.”
They use “ethical hacking,” with which the client gives permission for Zelvin team members to attempt to hack into the client’s technology.
“We mount an attack using the same tools and techniques a malicious hacker would,” she said. “Then, we specifically explain to the organization how it can reduce its chances of a cyber attack.
“We give them the mitigation and remediation strategies,” Lisa added.
The Atkinsons decided to make the move to East Tennessee so they could continue to grow.
“We watched the cyber security industry grow and change, and we really enjoy working with our customers,” Lisa said. “And since, cyber security is so prolific, we need to grow to be able to serve more clients, and that’s why we chose East Tennessee.”
For more information about Zelvin Security, call 865-591-5541, send and e-mail to or visit online at