Again a TPA state awards leader, farragutpress adv-production earns 24

Competing in Non-Dailies D-2 category, this farragutpress staff of five earned 11 first-place honors.
“I am very proud of our farragutpress Advertising and Production teams for all of their hard work throughout the year. We work together to ensure that all of our customers receive award-winning advertising that helps to expand their business,” said Cara Ford, advertising manager, who is assisted by sales reps Charlene Waggoner and Laura Sayers. “We are happy and honored to be called an award-winning team; farragutpress is your community, your voice, your award-winning newspaper.”
Production manager Tony Christen and graphic designer Cindy Wilfert have been major contributors in farragutpress becoming a top TPA winner — among all newspapers statewide — in advertising-production awards the past four years.
“I am really proud of what we have accomplished in such a short time,” Christen said. “It is quite the honor for TPA to recognize and award us for our work four years in a row.”
Advertising-Production first-place awards
Best Special Section: How The West Was Won. Self Promotion of Newspaper: Award Winning Advertisements and Publications; Multicolor Ad: CAK Basketball.
Single Color Ad: Rick Terry Valentines Day. Best Feature Page: Mother’s Day. Quarter Page or Smaller: Grayson Hyundai Veteran’s Day Salute.Food/Beverage Ad: Dixie Lee Wine & Liquors Reader’s Choice Awards. Automotive/Boat: HBG Yacht Sales Advertisement. Professional Service Ad: Trendz Salon Furniture/Appliance Ad: Knox Cabinet Co. Classifieds: farragutpress Classifieds.
Editorial awards
The TPA awards grand total was 27, as the editorial staff had three: third-place for Make-Up & Appearance, third-place for Local Features and Fifth Place for Best Sports Writing.