
The fun tradition of Letters to Santa continues this year, and children may drop their letters off in Founder’s Park at Campbell Station, which began Monday, Nov. 22.
The last day to send them is Monday, Dec. 20. Letter writers are urged to include a return address so Santa can write back.
Celebrate the Season
Cancelled last year due to COVID-19, Celebrate the Season is described by Town staff as “a great way to get in the holiday spirit,” and takes place from 4:30 to 7 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 2, in Farragut Community Center.
Children can have photos taken with Santa and participate in cookie decorating and face painting among activities.
A holiday movie also is part of this free evening of fun.
Holiday painting classes
Take part in several holiday-inspired, step-by-step painting classes offered at Farragut Community Center.
Classes include a “Snow Much Fun” snowman painting Saturday, Dec. 4, and a “Red Truck Christmas Tree” Saturday, Dec. 18, depicting an antique red truck carrying a fir tree.
All classes cost $35 and all materials are provided by the instructor, including the 16-inch-by-20-inch canvas for each participant.
Register for classes at, in person at Farragut Community Center (239 Jamestowne Blvd.) or by calling 865-218-3376.
‘Twas the Night
with No Parents
‘Twas the Night with No Parents, a new event offered at Farragut Community Center from 6 to 9 p.m., Friday, Dec. 17, will provide pizza, games, crafts and a movie for kindergarten through fifth-grade students.
Cost is $10 per child. Pre-registration is required at
New Year’s at Noon
New Year’s at Noon is an early commemoration of the end of the old year and commencement of a new one. Festivities will take place from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 31, in Farragut Community Center
The new event is designed for the whole family, and offers “snacks, crafts, refreshments, games and a noon New Year’s countdown at a perfect time for everyone to celebrate,” according to a press release.
All participants need to be individually registered to ensure all materials can be prepared. Cost is $2 per child ages 16 and younger and free of charge for adults.