Make Someone Smile with T-shirts at Farragut High — even if masked

FHS counselor Andi Tenry said the long-standing event started when the school’s projectU club —based on the principles of kindness, inclusion and unity and a club she sponsors — began at the high school level five years ago.
“The first year we partnered up with the art department to screen-print shirts and make comment cards,” Tenry recalled. “It was a last-minute, ‘Let’s just try this and see how it goes,’ decision.
“The last few years we have partnered up with (school’s) National Art Honors Society to design and screen-print (the T-shirts) where members submit designs that are voted on — and this year the winning design was Michael Scott from ‘The Office,’” she added.
In the past, Tenry said printed T-shirts featured Babe Ruth, Dolly Parton and Bob Ross.
“It’s always fun watching what will be submitted and finding out the winner,” she added. “It keeps growing — and because the kids look forward to it so much, I looked for a sponsor this year and reached out to Wil Glafenhein at Honors Real Estate, who covered all the costs of the supplies and 100 T-shirts.
“I am so grateful that there are businesses and people in the community that are willing to support their vision.”
Tenry said in total, about 150 shirts were screen-printed, and students, teachers and staff could bring their own shirts to be screened if they wished.
“The whole process takes a while. We usually start tie-dying T-shirts the week before, and personally wash, tie, dye and then wash and dry again every single shirt before it is screen-printed. The screen-printing takes all day — we start right after school begins and barely finish delivering as the day is ending.
“It is definitely a labor of love, and most students don’t see all the work their peers are putting in just to give away a T-shirt.”
Peers nominate shirt recipients. “The nomination form asks students to send a ‘thank you’ to a classmate that has been a lifesaver to them,” Tenry said. “That is probably my favorite part of the whole thing — literally making someone smile because a friend took the time to enter them into the drawing,” she added. “Most of the time the student had no idea they had even been nominated.
“This year we went a little further and opened the form up to staff to nominate other staff. It was very uplifting to read the messages teachers were sending to each other.
“... It’s just a really good day. My favorite, actually.”