HVMS classes raise $1,600-plus for East TN Children’s Hospital

“The students did an amazing job,” said Kendall Kobler, an eighth-grade school counselor. “I was hoping to reach $1,000, and they raised a total of $1,649.79.”
Kobler explained the eighth-grade class does a philanthropy project every year. This year’s decision to raise funds for ETCH Child Life Specialists Program, which helps children have a “normalized life,” came while at the hospital.
“(The students) were allowed to get as creative as they wanted in order to raise funds,” the counselor added. “We made it a homeroom competition to see which eighth-grade upstairs and downstairs homerooms could raise the most.
“Several eighth-grade students went around collecting change during homeroom time in the sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade hallways. Many of them brought in change. One student brought in his savings of $67 in change.”
The winning downstairs homeroom “was Mr. Chris Schaefer’s, and the upstairs homeroom — which collected the most overall — was Mrs. Shaun Denton,” Kobler said. “We had a pizza party for the winning homerooms.”