2nd Health-Wellness Expo virtual via Simply Physio
Simply Physio presents its Second Annual Knoxville Health & Wellness Expo from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, March 26, via Zoom.
A free virtual mini seminar series open to the public, the Expo features more than 10 local health and wellness experts giving advice via Chat.
“I don’t know of any other one offered in the area,” said said Dr. John-Mark Chesney, physical therapist and owner of Simply Physio, 111 Loudoun Road.
“Instead of the traditional booth setup-kind of event, this is mini presentations or mini seminars, where people can listen and really receive some helpful information from a local health and wellness expert.”
To sign up, visit simplypt.com/heath-expo/ Once signed on, prospective attendees will get the log-on information.
Topics include arthritis tips, improving immunity, overcoming low back pain, improving your sleep, introduction to pickleball, fitness over 50, oral health, reversing diabetes, cleaner water for your health, sexual wellness and rejuvenating your knees.