Centralized U.S. Mail delivery unit now a subdivision concept plan requirement: FMPC
Prospective residents of future subdivisions in Farragut should expect to get mail.
Farragut Municipal Planning Commission unanimously voted Thursday, March 17, to change its subdivision regulations to require subdivisions’ concept plans indicate a centralized mail delivery unit as governed by the U.S. Postal Service.
The amendment’s purpose was to “make it clear to both applicants and staff that all new subdivisions and new phases of existing subdivisions must plan for centralized mail delivery,” Town Community Development director Mark Shipley said. The amendment does not have to go to Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen for approval.
“USPS centralized mail delivery service has been in place for a few years and has been accounted for in new subdivisions,” Shipley said. “Where the expectations and coordination has been less clear and assured are with new phases in existing older subdivisions that have ‘grandfathered’ mail delivery to individual residents.”
In FMPC’s February meeting, he said Town staff proposed language be added in the subdivision regulations for both concept plans and preliminary plats, requiring a location for centralized mail delivery, “even where new phases were proposed in older subdivisions that predated the current USPS delivery requirements.”
Shipley said Commissioners supported this last month.