In praise of Town’s ‘living document’ CLUP

The Town of Farragut’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) is an effective planning document that helps protect existing neighborhoods from incompatible new development.

Specifically, it is a living document used by the Farragut Municipal Planning Commission that offers a vision for future land development and ensures proper transition from established neighborhoods to new ones.

The three of us represent three different Farragut neighborhoods that have experienced the use and protection offered by the CLUP. Over the last year alone Baldwin Park, Glen Abbey and Park Place subdivisions have all advocated against developers applying for variances to build senior housing and apartment complexes that were not compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods.

The proposed developments lacked proper transition to the neighboring subdivisions, potentially were traffic nightmares and did not fit in with the vision of the 2012 CLUP.

The current Planning Commission utilizing the CLUP guidelines provided the HomeOwner Associations (HOAs) with the historical perspective and context to interpret what the developer wanted to do and how it might negatively affect their respective neighborhoods.

The Planning Commission rightfully ruled in favor of the established neighborhoods.

The Planning Commission, and thus the HOAs, utilized a process with the necessary tools to prevent high-density development. The CLUP is an effective document that helps drive long-term planning initiatives.

Jon Holztrager, Farragut

Don Mann, Farragut

Robert Crossley, Farragut