poem to the editor

Relief from grief

After my husband of 42 years was diagnosed

And died suddenly of pancreatic cancer,

It was suggested that I attend grief classes.

My response was absolutely not.

I don’t need that and that will not help

Me get over losing the love of my life,

My college sweetheart!

As time passed and my desire to live

Lessened, I was lost in the wilderness,

Like the children of Israel.

A good friend suggested I attend her

Church, Farragut Presbyterian.

I was reluctant but decided to go.

I first attended a social

Function where I met several lovely

Couples and they witnessed my deep

Sadness. Later I attended a service.

The Pastor, Matt Nieman, has a caring poetic style

That is very honest and natural. He too,

Like many, has experienced a personal loss

And struggles with resilience and looks

To God for answers.

Pastor Nieman started grief classes

And even though I was against it before,

I went to a class.

It really helped to talk about my grief and listen

To others.

Discussing grief is something

That has helped me in so many ways.

I finally started feeling better and less sorry

For myself.

Pastor Nieman and I have the same philosophy 

In life, give back, help others and realize

Every person is a temporary gift, not ours for the keeping.

FPC has a community of givers and survivors.

It’s an everyday thing for them to give back

And I joined in this community

Of faith.

Pastor Nieman conducts a grief class

Twice a month and his lessons 

Always touch a spot in my heart 

He discusses other types of grief besides

The death of a loved one,

Other types can be just as traumatic

And difficult to accept.

The church has opened doors in my life.

Accepting grief and moving forward

Will always be

My Goal.

FPC is more than good enough for me.

By Gayle Williams