Nine straight: Town, Myers, Hall earn GFOA Distinguished Budget Award
For the ninth year in a row, the Town of Farragut received the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its Fiscal Year 2022 budget. Town administrator David Smoak attributed the win to finance director Allison Myers, who also serves as Town Recorder, and accounting clerk Pam Hall.
“Approving the annual budget is one of the most important decisions the Board of Mayor and Aldermen make each year,” Smoak said. “Having a quality budget document that prioritizes our objectives for the year and focuses our limited resources to meet those objectives has been a key to the Town’s success. Finance director Allison Myers and Accounting clerk Pam Hall do a tremendous job in preparing the budget each year and deserve the credit for receiving this great award.”
“The GFOA award reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental bugeting,” a GFOA press release stated. “... The Town’s budget was judged as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide and a communications device.”
About 1,700 out of 22,500 GFOA members participate in the Budget Awards Program. The nonprofit GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards program is the only national awards program in government budgeting.