Well & Free ‘home’ for Boyle

“This just feels like home,” she said about opening her business Sept. 12, in Complete Salon Suites, at Renaissance | Farragut, 12748 Kingston Pike, Suite 206. “This is where I feel happy.
“It’s where I feel like I’m doing the most good,” Boyle added. “I go home feeling fulfilled.”
At Well & Free, she provides massage therapy, personal training, wellness coaching and wellness retreats.
While the business is new, “I’ve been doing independent contractor work for pretty much my whole career,” Boyle said. “I have wellness plans and programs all tailored specifically to my clients, what their bodies need.”
With wellness coaching, “I do a little bit of an unconventional approach because I’m not traditionally trained,” she said. “I’ve done a lot of research over the last couple of years … I address everything from exercise needs to your daily routines — what’s benefiting you, what’s hurting you, — how you sleep, your diet.”
As Boyle is not a nutrition coach, she does not provide “formal” advice, but she does educate.
“I come from a standpoint of education in everything I do,” she added. “A lot of what we’re doing is you tell me what your issue is and what your goals are.
“From there, we build off of whatever information you need to have and we go from there,” Boyle said. “I’ve had clients that it was as simple as just helping them solidify what routine they need in the morning to make their lives more efficient and in the evening to help them sleep better.
“And, I have had clients ask me to go to the grocery store with them to help them learn how to read the labels, learn how to steer clear of things that look super healthy but maybe aren’t as healthy, based on what the ingredients are and give them resources on where to find true facts on the subject,” she said.
Boyle has been practicing massage therapy for five years, been a personal trainer for two years and a wellness coach for a year-and-a-half.
Initially getting into the business “just kind of snowballed,” she recalled.
After graduating high school, “I really didn’t really have any direction then I heard about massage therapy on a radio ad and went school (for it),” Boyle said. “I absolutely fell in love. I couldn’t imagine myself doing anything else.”
She was a certified nursing assistant about three years after earning a massage license.
Hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. For appointments, message her on Facebook, visit www.welllandfreewomen.com or text 865-466-5839.