Children, 250, await Town-PGT

The program, sponsored by all four Farragut public schools’ PTO/PTSOs, gives gifts to families in need of extra help during the holidays.
The gift collection, which began Thursday, Nov. 10, at Farragut Primary School during its Winterfest celebration, runs through Monday, Dec. 5. Families will receive their gifts Thursday, Dec. 8, according to Project Giving Tree coordinator LeighAnna Colgrove.
Trees currently are located in the lobbies of all four schools adorned with tags sharing how to help. “All four Giving Trees are up, and we are excited to share in the joy of giving this holiday season,” Colgrove said. “We hope our Farragut schools family and the broader Town of Farragut community will join together to help support our students and families this holiday.
“In response to recent increases in the cost of goods, we set our fundraising goal at $100 per child,” she added “We expect to serve around 250 children again this year. If we can reach our goal, we plan to allocate $50 for clothing and $50 for toys, gifts or any special needs, like a new coat or pair of shoes.”
Additionally, “Holiday food assistance will be provided through partnerships with local pantries,” Colgrove said.
In addition to the trees, those wishing to contribute may do so online at, where credit/debit cards, Venmo and Paypal are all accepted.
Those who wish to donate directly via Venmo can give to @FarragutMiddleSchoolPTO.
“For those with students attending Farragut schools, (parents/guardians) can send gift cards to school in an envelope marked ‘Giving Tree,’” Colgrove said. “We recommend $25 gift cards to local stores such as Kohl’s, Marshalls, Old Navy and Target, but any/all gift cards are appreciated.
“New this year, we are excited to receive toy donations at the Farragut Town Hall rotunda and at the Farragut Community Center lobby,” she added. “Hopefully, the toy drive will provide a great way for those who wish to shop directly for a child to support Project Giving Tree.
“We know some donors enjoy choosing a special toy or gift to donate as part of their holiday shopping. I like to imagine these gifts as a beautiful expression of gratitude, with friends and neighbors sharing goodwill to brighten the holidays for another family in our community.
“We will match the donated toys to children on the Giving Tree based on their hobbies and interests.”
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