FHS teachers help restart Interact Club-RCF connect

Tom Woodbery, RCF youth service co-chair with Tory Kinson, had been searching for teachers to serve as faculty advisors so they could get an Interact Club started at FHS. Recently, they found social studies teacher Shelby McGill and English as a Second Language teacher Katie Beckett.
“We met with them before Thanksgiving,” Woodbery said. “They’re really excited about starting the club.”
“One of the teachers, Katie, was in Interact in high school,” he added.
They will have their first meeting, labeled as an “interest meeting” according to Woodbery — after school Tuesday, Jan. 17, in the FHS library.
“The club has been dormant for three or four years, so this will be starting from scratch with two new advisors and a whole new group of students,” he said.
“I got involved with the Farragut Interact Club because I have a passion for community service and involvement,” McGill said. “In my previous career, I worked in financial services and was an active member of the Maryville Kiwanis Club, where I helped sponsor the Builder’s Club at Montgomery Ridge Intermediate School.
“As an educator, it is important to me to continue to serve the community and promote community involvement amongst the younger generations,” she added.
“We already do have students that are interested in joining the club. The plans for the Interact Club, as of now, are to get students involved in service projects throughout the Farragut community. “
The starting point, Beckett said, would be through a “Tech Service” project icebreaker with RCF “once we establish membership and leadership officers.”
“I was involved with an Interact Club through my JROTC program at Red Bank High School in Chattanooga,” Beckett said.
“We are currently advertising to the student body about an interesting meeting in January, as well as telling our fall classes about what Interact club strives to do.
“I love the idea that the Interact Club is starting up again,” she added. “I really enjoyed being involved in high school and being able to help my community through our projects.
“I personally like being involved in my community.”