Avoid wall danger
Kingston Pike Village wall concern; Westerly ‘mulled’

Staff, planners and developers all had one main concern: safety.
“None of us want a wall that will eventually flake off,” Community Development director Mark Shipley said. He warned since the wall is about 40 feet high, if a piece comes off and hits a person, that person could be killed.
“If we end up going the veneer route, we will have to re-face the wall,” said Daniel Smith, one of the developers with Natt Road Investments. “And, there will be 5 inches that will be bridged by the top with a cap.”
Two options presented included a full-brick wall or a brick and open “green” ivy wall. But Shipley warned Farragut Municipal Planning Commissioners’ responses would not be favorable to the “green” wall because of past experiences.
“One main concern with a ‘green’ wall is how it would be maintained,” assistant Community Development director Bart Hose said.
Another concern is keeping the ivy alive.
Shane Smith with JA Fielden suggested they could have a concrete wall that is stamped to look like a brick wall, saying it would be more durable. He also suggested a faux brick panel.
Instead of a straight-up wall, as the developers are planning, Mayor Ron Williams, also an FMPC member, suggested the developers look at a wall in Harriman. “It looks like stair steps,” he said.
West Mill development
On another development, Rodney Phillips BNH-P developers will be submitting a land disturbance and grading plan for an 11.45-acre property it plans to develop as West Mill — or Westerly — subdivision, north of the intersection of Kingston Pike and Old Stage Road and northwest of Dollar General Store. Phillips said the construction access, at the former Broadway Lumber, will line up with Little Turkey Creek Commons.
“As Planning Commissioners remember, there was an initial discussion of the concept plan … the entrance was coming off of Champions Point inside of Fox Den (subdivision),” Shipley said. “That wasn’t supported. The recommendation was to come in at the signal at Old Stage Road and Kingston Pike.”
However, Shipley noted BNH-P’s current request is not about the residential development. It’s about the grading plan.
“Sort of what we did with Topgolf before they actually submitted their site plan,” he said. “They received approval for a grading plan.
“As requested, BNH-P is going to grade the whole site,” Shipley added.