The ‘Real’ thing coming
Real Madrid Foundation to teach European soccer in Farragut June 26-30

The five-day camp is offered to youth ages 6 through 17.
According to the Foundation’s website, the upcoming camp “offers the unique and exciting opportunity to experience specialized soccer training, bringing their expert UEFA coaches selected by the Academy of the world’s most successful soccer team to help improve soccer skills.”
“Real Madrid is one of the biggest soccer clubs in Spain and in the world,” said Katherine Sheppard, project manager for the East Coast program. “Real Madrid has a foundation that carries out soccer camps in the United States and other parts of the world, which help fund social projects carried out in multiple countries.”
Campers and their parents can expect training from “Real Madrid worldwide-recognized methodology,” according to the program’s website. “Train under the Real Madrid Methodology and improve technically and tactically under the same winning mentality that helped the first team win a record-best 14 Champions League” titles.
The coaching ratio will be one coach for every 14 players, and a Real Madrid technical director for every 72 players.
There also is an opportunity for outstanding soccer players to be invited to visit Spain and train in the Real Madrid City facilities and play friendly matches and tournaments among other activities.
Eva Turcios of Farragut was invited to Spain to attend the program, and that is how Farragut came to the attention of camp organizers.
“I met her and her dad, Will, when I coached her in Spain, and they recommended Mayor Bob Leonard Park to us,” Sheppard said. “I came here (to Farragut) and visited the park,” meeting several Town Park and Rec employees including “Lauren Cox and Bryson Keith. Meeting them face to face was great, and everyone was very welcoming.”
She said there would be 25 camps throughout the United States, and four in Tennessee, including the one in Farragut.
“We have gone to Nashville for four to five years; this will be our second year in Chattanooga ...,” Sheppard said.
“We look forward to having the Real Madrid Soccer camp in Town this summer and are thrilled that they have chosen the East Tennessee area to expand their already robust programming,” Farragut Tourism manager Karen Tindal said.
Cost is $524 if slots are booked before April 1. Price will be $599 after that date. Discounts also are offered for multiple family members.
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